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第七讲 英语商务信函的翻译 商务信函的定义和功能 商务信函的分类 根据功能,商务信函可分为商务应酬函和商务业务函。 商务应酬函:感谢信、祝贺信、慰问信、邀请信等。 商务业务函: 建立业务关系函(cooperation intention); 产品推销函 (promotion) 资信查询函(credit inquiry) 询盘函 (inquiry) 发盘还盘函 (offer and counter-offer) 订购函 (purchase) 装运通知函 (shipment) 支付结算函 (payment) 索赔函 (claim) 保险函 (insurance) 商务信函的篇章结构 Nov. 11, 2005 Dear Mr. Li, We are considering providing each of our sales representations with a pocket calculator. We saw your Model AMB displayed at Guangzhou Commodities Fair last month and found that it would fill your needs very well. We know that AMB costs US $36.2 each, but we wonder whether there is a trade discount for fairly large quantities. Our first order would be 200. Besides the price information, we also need complete details about your services, warranties, carrying case, battery-any information that may help us in making the purchase decision. Your prompt reply would be appreciated. Cordially yours, Max Wolf Deputy Manager 尊敬的李先生: 您好! 我公司正在考虑为每位销售代表配备一台袖珍计算器。而我们从上月举行的广交会上看到贵方展出的AMB 型, 认为这款计算器能满足我方要求。 据我所知,AMB 每台售价36.2 美元,不知大批订购是否另有优惠,我方首批订货将为200台。 除价格信息外,我方还想了解有关贵方服务、保修、携带护套、电池等细节,即有助于我方做出购买决定的任何信息。 敬请回复。 此致 敬礼 马克斯 ﹣沃尔夫 (公司副经理) 2005年11月11日 中英文商务信函的共同特点及翻译 1.用词庄重规范 Eg:We are sending you herewith our quotation sheet for cotton tablecloth Article Nos. 510 and 514. The respective quantities available for prompt shipment are indicated therein. Enclosed please find the quotation sheet. All offers and sales are subject to the terms and conditions printed on the reverse side hereof. An order blank and addressed envelope are enclosed herein for your convenience. In view of the fact that your violation of the contract has caused us undeserved losses. We regret to say that we have concealed the contract and we reserve the right to claim damages. 2.用词礼貌客气 例:贵公司*年*月*日的贸易查询函收悉。 We are pleased to have received your trade inquiry of ~~~ 敬请告知贵方是否需要更多的宣传手册或在展示会场发放的其他资料。 Please kindly let us know whether you would like additional brochures or any of the material


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