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智课网IELTS备考资料雅思阅读材料之可以听懂你情绪的手机应用 Beyond Verbal Communications Ltd., a voice-recognition software developer here, is rolling out an app promising something Siri cant yet deliver: a readout on how you feel. 语音识别软件开发商Beyond Verbal Communications Ltd.即将推出一款应用软件,有望实现Siri尚且无法实现的一个功能:把你的情绪显示出来。 Called Moodies, it lets a smartphone user speak a few words into the phones mike to produce, about 20 seconds later, an emotional analysis. Beyond Verbal executives say the app is mostly for self-diagnosis -- and a bit of fun: It pairs a cartoon face with each analysis, and users can share the face on social media. 借助于这款名为“Moodies”的应用,智能手机用户可以朝着手机的麦克风讲话,在大约20秒钟之后生成情绪分析。Beyond Verbal的管理人员说,该应用主要是用于自我诊断,也可以带来一些小小的乐趣:它给每一次分析配上一张卡通脸孔,用户可以把脸孔拿到社交媒体上去分享。 But the app is coming out as the company and other developers -- many clustered in Tel Aviv -- push increasingly sophisticated hardware and software they say can determine a persons emotional state through analysis of his or her voice. 在这款应用面世之际,Beyond Verbal和其他一些开发商――很多都扎堆特拉维夫――正在推出一些越来越尖端、据它们说可以通过分析语音确定一个人情绪状态的硬件和软件。 These companies say the tools can also detect fraud, screen airline passengers and help a call-center technician better deal with an irate customer. And they can be used to keep tabs on employees or screen job applicants. One developer, Tel Aviv-based Nemesysco Ltd., offers what it calls honesty maintenance software aimed at human-resource executives. The firm says that by analyzing a job applicants voice at an interview, the program can help identify fibs. 这些公司说,这些工具还可以侦测欺诈、检查飞机乘客、帮助呼叫中心技术人员更好地对付发飙的顾客。它们可以用来监视员工或筛选求职者。特拉维夫开发商Nemesysco Ltd.推出以人力资源经理为目标客户的“诚信维护”软件。该公司说,这套程序可以通过分析求职者在面试期间的说话声音来帮助辨别谎言。 Thats raising alarm among many voice-analysis experts, who question the accuracy of such on-the-spot interpretations. Its also raising worries among privacy advocates, who say such technology -- especially if it is being rolled out in cheap, easy-to-use smartphone apps -- could be a fresh threat to privacy. 这引起了很多语音分析专家的


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