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英语知识  3 译成条件状语从句   英语的定语从句如果在意义上具有表明主句条件的含义,在翻译时可以加上汉语表示条件关系的词语, 如“如果”等词, 并转译成汉语相应的从句。   Anybody who commits the land power of the United States on the continent of Asia ought to have his head examined.   [试译] 如果谁要把美国的地面部队派遣到亚洲大陆,那他就应该检查一下他的脑子是否正常。   They amounted to near twenty thousand pounds,which to pay would have ruined me.   [试译]金钱总额将近两万英镑,如果要我个人赔,非要了我的命不可。   It may seem somewhat odd to get water from fire,but we shall find that water is a common by-product of any fire in which hydrogen takes part.  [试译] 火中取水,似乎有点离奇?但我们不难发现:水乃是火燃烧后所产生的一种常见的副产品;只要燃烧过程中有氢气的存在,便会产生水。   4 译成让步状语从句   英语的定语从句如果在意义上具有表明主句让步的含义,在翻译时可以加上汉语表示让步关系的词语,如“虽然”等词,并转译成汉语相应的从句。   Although we have suffered heavy losses by assisting the French and during the Dunkirk evacuation,we have managed to husband our air fighter strength in spite of poignant appeals from France to throw it improvidently into the great land battle,which it could not have turned decisively.   [试译] 在援助法国和敦克尔克大撤退中,我们损失惨重,但还是设法保存空战实力,我们没有因为法国的强烈呼吁而草率投入地面战斗。即使当时我们这样做,也是回天乏术,败局已定。   The statement was phrased in language unfamiliar to anyone who had listened to his speeches for years.   [试译] 他在这一声明中所用的措辞,对于那些即使是多年来听过他演讲的人来说,也是陌生的。   President Asssad,who earlier this year had been flirting with such hard – liners as Libyan President Muammar Kaddafi,drooped his bitter claim that Egypts Sinai Agreement with Israel were“a sell out of the Arabs” and seemed willing to let Sadat lead the diplomatic search or a political solution to the Arab Israel conflict.   [试译] 阿萨德总统虽然今年早些时候曾与利比亚总统卡扎菲这样的强硬派人物打得火热,现在却不再强烈攻击埃以签订的《西奈协议》是“出卖阿拉伯国家的协议”,并且看来还愿意让萨达特带头寻求解决阿以冲突问题的政治外交办法。   5 译成目的状语从句   英语的定语从句如果在意义上具有表明主句目的的含义,在翻译时可以加上汉语表示目的关系的词语,如“为了”等词,并转译成汉语相应的从句。   Chinese trade delegations have been sent to African countries,who will negotiate trade agreements with the respective governments.   [试译] 中国贸易代表团前往非洲各国,(以便)届时将与非洲各国政府进行贸易协定谈判。   The present generation is provided with more facts than any previous generation,but we seem to be l


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