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英语常用四字翻译 1. 不速之客 an unexpected guest/ visitor 2. 不遗余力 spare no effort to do/ spare no pains to do/ spare no expense to do 3. 不言而喻 It goes without saying that…./ Needless to say, / speak for itself 4. 不厌其烦 be patient/ take great pains to do 5. 不出所料 as expected/ not beyond one’s expectation 6. 不求回报 without asking for anything in return 7. 不慌不忙 take one’s time/ be in no hurry/ without hurry and bustle 8. 不假思索 without hesitation/ without thinking of/ with no thought for 9. 不可思议 unimaginable/ unbelievable/ incredible 10. 不容置疑 beyond doubt 11. 不可估量 Immeasurable/ beyond measure 12. 不知所措 be at a loss/ be at sea 13. 充耳不闻 turn a deaf ear to 14. 视而不见 turn a blind eye to 15. 反之亦然 vice versa 16. 乐于助人 be ready to help others 17. 立竿见影 have an immediate effect 18. 按兵不动 take no action/ sit on one’s hand/ remain inactive 19. 前程似锦 have a bright future/ have great prospects/ promising future 20. 安然无恙 safe and sound 21. 全神贯注 be absorbed in/ concentrate (one’s attention) on/ focus one’s attention on 22. 三令五申 give repeated orders and warnings 23. 破旧不堪 shabby / be completely worn out 24. 四边八方 (in/ from) all directions 25. 妄自菲薄 think lightly/ little of oneself/ sell oneself short/ underestimate oneself/ look down on/ upon oneself 26. 无可否认 There’s no denying that… 27. 无从知晓 There’s no telling that…/ It’ impossible to know.. 28. 心不在焉 be absent-minded/ be of two minds 29. 一事无成 achieve/ accomplish nothing 30. 废寝忘食 neglect one’s meals and sleep 31. 碍手碍脚 be in one’s way/ get in one’s way 32. 力争上游 aim high/ strive for the best 33. 供不应求 in short supply/ Demand exceeds supply./ Supply can’t meet demand./ Supply falls short of demand. 34. 因果关系 cause and effect/ causal relationship 35. 一夜成名 become famous overnight 36. 记忆犹新 be fresh in ones memory 37. 交头接耳 whisper to each other 38. 如饥似渴 with great eagerness 39. 随手关门 Close the door behind you. 40. 随手关灯 Turn off/ Switch off the light when leaving. 41. 问心无愧 have a clear conscience 42. 袖手旁观 stand by with folded hand


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