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如何一次性将所有的坏习惯全部改掉? 如何一次性将所有的坏习惯全部改掉? Every single thing you are not satisfied with in your life is a result of a bad habit compounded over time. 你对生活的不如意全部来自所有坏习随着时间的推移的叠加。 If you don’t have enough money, it’s because bad habits kept you from taking action and making money. If you are not as fit as you would like to be, it’s because of bad habits that kept you glued to the couch. Bad habits are like viruses that spread into all areas of our lives. 如果你没有足够的金钱,那是因为坏习惯使你无法付诸实际行动,无法赚到钱。如果你没有拥有自己希望的身材,那是因为话习惯使你像胶水一样粘到了沙发上。坏习惯就像病毒,蔓延于我们生活的各个领域。 Would you like to change that? 你想改变么? The only thing that separates successful people from failures are successful habits. 是否成功的习惯是成功者和失败者的唯一区别。 Most of us go through our entire lives under the control of external circumstances, as opposed to being at cause for creating the life we want to live. Whether you are training for an ultra marathon, starting a business or running a successful blog, cultivating good habits is the key to mastery.无论你是在接受超级马拉松的训练,还是想要创业,亦或是要开创一个成功的博客,培养良好的习惯是取得成功的关键。But this is easier said than done.但是,说起来永远比做起来容易。 We find it near impossible to build good habits because we spend every day floating down the river of life with no oars. 我们大部分人都是被生活外因所控制,而不是积极去创造我们想要的人生。 Empowering habits allow us to take charge of our destiny by controlling our daily activities so that we no longer have to be a victim to the roller coaster of our feelings. The compound effect of those actions over time leads to the life of our dreams. 我们发现想要培养良好的习惯是几乎不可能的事,因为我们每天的生活就像没有浆的船只能随波逐流。 Follow these 9 steps to transform success from uncertainty to inevitability. 赋予习惯力量可以通过改变我们的日常生活而改变我们的命运,也正因此我们将不会再成为生活如过山车般感觉的牺牲品。 _baidu_page_break_tag_ 这9个步骤可以帮你将成功的不确定性变成必然性。 Our only true freedom is to choose our response and our attitude to the events that occur every day, especially when those events are outside of our control. 生活中唯一我们可以自由选择的就是当事情发生时,尤其是那些我们无法掌控的事情发生时,我们要用怎么的态度和反应区处理。 To practice 100% responsibility, choose to create an empowering


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