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英语知识 The quality of the food you eat rather than how much you consume has the biggest impact on losing weight, a study has found. 据一项必威体育精装版的健康研究发现,吃什么,而并非吃多少,才是关乎于减轻体重的重要因素。 Diet also has a greater impact than physical activity, watching TV or sleep duration. 饮食对于身体健康的影响远远超过了体育运动、看电视频率以及睡眠的时间。 But focusing on calories alone was not the best way to stay slim, according to the scientists. The secret was to focus on the quality of foods, especially carbohydrates. 不过据科学家表示,将关注的重点全都放在饮食的卡路里含量之上并非是保持身材最好的方法。减肥的秘密在于注重食物的品质,特别是碳水化合物。 Weight-watchers were advised to cut out sweetened drinks, potatoes and refined grain foods such as white bread, white rice and low-fibre breakfast cereals. 科学家们建议那些特别在意自己投中的人们最好戒掉甜味饮料,土豆和白面包、米饭、低纤维的早餐谷物这样的精制的粮食食品。 At the same time they were urged to eat more ‘natural’ foods, such as fruit and vegetables, whole grains, nuts and yoghurt, while avoiding anything processed. 与此同时,他们应该选择一些更为“自然”的食物,例如水果和蔬菜,粗粮,坚果和优格酸奶,同时避免任何精加工的食物。 Professor Frank Hu, a nutrition expert at the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston, U.S., said: ‘These findings underscore the importance of making wise food choices in preventing weight gain and obesity. 来自位于美国波士顿哈佛大学公共卫生学院的营养专家Frank Hu教授说:“研究的结果再次强调了一点,选择正确的食物在减轻体重和避免肥胖症的过程中有着相当重要的作用。” ‘The idea that there are no “good” or “bad” foods is a myth that needs to be debunked.’ “我们需要重视这样一种观念,食物其实并不分‘好’与‘坏’。” The findings, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, also showed that getting the right amount of sleep helped people maintain a healthy weight. 研究的结果同样显示,保持充足的睡眠也有意与人们维持健康的体重。 People who slept six to eight hours a night gained less weight than those who slept less than six or more than eight hours. 每晚的睡眠时间在六到八小时的人们要比那些睡眠时间没有达到这样量的人们体重更不容易增加。 Prof Hu’s team analysed results from three large-scale studies of US health workers, the Nurses’ Health Study, the Nurses’ Health Study II, and the Health Professionals Follow-up Study. Hu教授的研究团队分析了来自三个大型的美国健康卫生工作者的研究论文。 Together the studies monitored th


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