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英语词块库 备注:本词块库所积累的词块包括以下两部分: Ⅰ. 新视野大学英语Book1(Unit1-10)、Book2(Unit1-10)及Book3(Unit1-5) Ⅱ.课外积累的词块 Book1 __Unit1 Section A 1. embarrass : make sb.feel ashamed or uncomfortable?使尴尬, 2. be worth sth./doing sth ?It is worthwhile to do sth. ?It is worthwhile doing sth. ?sth. is worthy to be done ??????????????值得…的 ?sth. is worthy being done ?be worthy of sth./to be sth. ?be worthy of doing sth. 3.not only…but also… ?????????????????不仅…而且… 4.far from=not…at all = rather than ?????????一点都不 ?The situation was far from perfect.情况远不如人意 5.a couple of ???????????????????????两个;一些,几个 6.intimidate = threaten ?????????????????恐吓,威胁 ??????????? 7.participate in = take part in ?????????????参加 8.keep up with ??????????????????????赶上;不落后 9.feel like sth./doing sth. ???????????????想要;想做 10.give up ?????????????????????????停止;放弃 11.think out ????????????????????????仔细考虑;推敲;琢磨 12.come across ??????????????????????偶然遇到;偶然发现 13.reap the benefit(s) ???????????????????获得益处,得到好处 14.trade for = exchange for ???????????????用…换… 15.give/gain sb. insight(s) into ????????????深刻理解 16.now that= because of sth = as a result of sth.= in that 既然,由于 17.reach out to = communicate with ?????????接触,联系 ??reach out for = try to get ?????????????设法获得 ??reach for ???????????????????????伸手去拿 18.at the top of ??????????????????????在最高地位,在首位 19.instead of ???????????????????????而不是;代替 20.be eager to do sth. ??????????????????盼望去做… 21.be afraid to do sth. ??????????????????不敢做… 22.get/have/gain/obtain access to ???????????可以使用;有…的机会/权利 23.once in a while ????????????????????有时 24.as well as ???????????????????????也;和…一样;不但…而且 25.stare into space ????????????????????茫然不解 26.bridge the gap between…and… ??????????缩小…差距 ??Make smaller differences between…and… ?? 27.at times ???????????????????????????有时,偶尔 28.freshman ???sophomore ????junior ???senior ??大一学生 ???大二学生 ???大三学生 ??大四学生 29.no longer ?????????????????????????不再 30.the means of ???????????????????????…的方法/手段 Section B figure out ??????????????????????????想出;理解


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