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英语词汇积累endemic 地方性的,风土的boost the company`s international rig fleetreconciliation 和解,调和protest v. n. 抗议venue会场concession 让步,特许权laterally 旁边地webinar 在线会议complimentary 赠送的tap into 挖掘,接近 tap into a markettap into our potentialprevalent 流行的,普遍的dedication 奉献,献身prospect 前景recede 后退,衰弱procurement 采购,获得herein adv. 于此,在这方面thereto adv. 到那psi 磅/平方英寸 (pounds per square inch)bauxite 矾土proppant 支撑剂remedial 治疗的precedent 先例,前例underwriter 担保人in-house research 内部的研究materially 实质地,极大地a lump-sum early termination fee 一次总付的on a turnkey basis 交钥匙maxim 格言steal the show 抢出风头supremacy 霸权,主权spike v. 阻止mute 使柔和,缄默的 muteddour 严厉的,阴沉的 dour protestsanguine about …乐观的ferociously 残忍地,凶猛地benign scenario 良性的stringent regulation 严格的规则headwind 逆风inertia 惯性,迟钝oscillating 振荡的reinforce 加强,加固momentum 势头sluggish 迟缓的splinter 分裂referendum 公民投票权convene v. 召集,集合per annum 每年indigenous 本土的,国产的place pressure on …incremental 增加的disruptive 破坏的,分裂的Caspian 里海overtake 赶上,超车underpin v. 巩固,支撑buoy vt. 支撑,鼓励stipulate vi. 规定,保证retrofit vt. 改装reduced time from release to spudruthless 无情的to the detriment of … 对…不利in flux 变化不定opaque 透明的outstrip 超过,超越penetrance 外显率,穿透性the Sufi sect 苏菲教派Supreme Ultimate 太极Eight Diagrams 八卦图exhorted 鼓励的winsome 迷人的,可爱的,引人注目的excerpt 摘录The easy-to-use MA service database enables users to drill down into the dataset to isolate specific deals.The MA services include in-depth coverage of all companies across all geographies, leveraging Wood Mackenzie`s well-established upstream database and supported by a 150-strong research team.interrogate vt. 询问,审问feedstock 原料chemical fertilizer 化学肥料reiterate vt. 重申the 11th Five-Year Plan 十一五计划mandate 授权provisional estimates 暂时估算,试算fuel switching from coal to natural gascommunal 公共的,公社的ammonia 氨procure 获得labyrinth 迷宫at the sharp end of the race debate 在第一线originate 发源于principally 重要地Planning for a central process facility is underway. 起步中的pending 直到…为止in terms of 依据,按照,在方面self-sufficient 自给自足的lesser 较少的detain 留住tight oil 稠油87,000 net acre positionWorking interest 开采权


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