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英语语法术语解释 In How much do you think he earns? how much is ______ of the sentence. (TEM4, 2009)   A. the subject B. the adverbial  C. the object √ D. the complement Which of the following sentences has an object complement? (TEM4, 2010) The directors appointed John manager. √ I gave Mary a Christmas present. You have done Peter a favor. She is teaching children English. In the sentence “It’s no use waiting for her”, the italicized phrase is . (TEM4, 2010) A. the object B. an adverbial C. a complement D. the subject √ 有关语法的很多题目,直接通过分析句子结构和成分就可以判断出选项, 或者排除很多干扰项,比如这个句子是否缺少成分,缺少什么成分,哪些选项能作这个成分。掌握好了句子结构,写作时就不会写出不合语法的句子了。 一、英语基本句型: 英语句子以动词为中心,动词按其结构主要分为联系动词,及物动词,不及物动词,根据这三类动词可熟练掌握英语句型结构及语法成分。 系动词 link verb 基本句型:Subject + Link Verb + Complement 即主+动+补 该动词分为四类 1)Be 型: be, am, is, are, was, were, been, 2)变化型:turn, become, get, grow 3)感官型:feel, sound, smell, look, taste, 4)似乎型:seem, appear, 此句型中系动词所带的补语,叫主语补语,即补充说明主语的,通常为名词短语(noun phrase),形容词短语(adjective phrase)。Be 型结构还可带介词短语(preposition phrase), 副词短语(adverb phrase), 代词(pronoun), 名词从句(noun clause)等等。 Examples: The man is a teacher. Dinner is at six oclock. He looks fine. It sounds better. It seems true. 及物动词 transitive verb 基本句型:Subject + Transitive Verb + Object1 主+动+宾 Subject + Transitive Verb + Object1 + Object2 主+动+宾(间接)+宾(直接) Subject + Transitive Verb + Object + Complement 主+动+宾+补 第三类中的补语为宾语补语,即补充说明宾语的,除了名词,形容词,还有介词短语,不定式,动名词,分词等。 Examples: We made him our spokesman. They elected him president. I consider the problem fairly easy. The parents leave their son alone at home. She saw a boy kicking her dog. 不及物动词 intransitive verb 基本句型 Subject + Intransitive Verb 主+动 Examples: Iron rusts. Everyone laughed. 由此,基本句型可概括如下: 1. S + Vl + C 2. S + Vt + O 3. S + Vt + O1 + O2 4. S + Vt + O + C 5. S + V 还可增加两类 SVOA, SVA, 是在及物动词和不及物动词上演化而来的。 Subject + Transitive Verb + Object + Adverbial 主+动+宾+状 I put the material evidence in front of him. He treated her cruelly. Subject + Intransiti


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