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英语语法精讲语法精讲班第1讲讲义 概 述 一个句子的主要成分:主语 + 谓语 + 宾语 词性和句子之前的关系 :不可替代的关系 ,最为重要 ; 巧学词性的方法 :分类记忆,主次学习,考点学习 ; 语法体系中,词性学习三部曲 : 一注意事项,二功能作用,三重点试题讲解 ; 名词篇: 一 注意事项 : 1. 可数名词和不可数名词 2. 单复数 3. 集合名词 ; 二 功能作用 : 1.主语,宾语,表语,同位语 2. 其他功能 (专讲) 三 考题部分 : 改错题 + 选择题 (高考题+四六级+考研英语题+托福题) In the United States , presidential elections are held once every four year . 在美国,总统选举每四年一次。 The superintendent of women nurse for the Union Army during the Civil War Dorothea Dix . 美国内战期间,为联邦军队服务的女护士主管人是多罗西亚,迪克斯。 Before the automobiles , the horse-drawn carriage was the primary mean of private transportation . 在汽车诞生之前,马车是私人运输的基本手段。 In the Middle ages , taxes were paid with good rather than money . 在中世纪,缴税用的是货物,而不是钱。 The diamond is the hardest substance in natures .钻石是自然界最硬的物质。 Sunlights cannot reach far beneath the ocean’s surface . 阳光不能照射到海面之下很远的地方。 Mathematic and logic depend extensively on the deductive method of reasoning . 数学和逻辑学广泛地依靠推理的演绎方法。 The integration of independent states could best be brought about by first creating a central organization with authorities over technical economic tasks . 一些独立国家实现一体化最好的手段可能是首先建立一个具有管理技术经济工作权威的中心组织。 Because of its vast tracts of virtually uninhabited northern forest , Canada has one of the lowest population density in the world . 加拿大是世界上人口密度最低的地区之一,因为其广阔的北方森林地区实际上无人居住。 John’s chance of being elected chairman of the committee is far greater than Dick . 约翰当选为委员会主席的可能性比迪克大得多。 As far as I am concerned , his politics are rather conservative compared with other politicians . 依我看,他的政治观点与其他政治家相比相当保守的。 That is a nice watch . It is the same _____ . A. as John B. like John C. as John’s D. like John’s ; Saying only that she was a friend of Mary , she left without giving her name . 她没有留名字就离开了,只说她是玛丽的一个朋友。 Can I get anything while I am downtown ? Yes ,I need some ___ . A. shoe lace B. shoes lace C. shoe laces D. shoes laces Some bloods types are quite common , others are regionally distributed , and others are rare everywhere . 有些血型很常见,其他有些血型的分布具有地区性,还有一些血型在任何地方都是罕见的。 Idaho rank


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