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Secretary-Generals remarks to the Memorial Ceremony in honour of those killed in the Haiti earthquake New York, 9 March 2010 联合国秘书长潘基文在纪念海地地震牺牲人员追悼会上的讲话 Excellencies, Dear colleagues, Dear friends, Above all, dear families of those to whom we sadly bid farewell: 各位来宾, 亲爱的同事们, 亲爱的朋友们, 最重要的是,我们沉痛道别的人员的亲属们: Let us begin by thanking the families and friends who have traveled far to be with us. To those who could not be here, please know that our hearts are with you. 首先,我们要感谢不辞辛劳前来参加追悼会的亲属和朋友们,并对不能前来的亲属和朋友们说,我们与你们心心相连。 We are joined by duty stations around the world ? the men and women of our proud United Nations. Among them are the members of our UN mission in Haiti, who have carried on despite their pain and hardship. I thank Mr. Edmond Mulet and his courageous staff who are working tirelessly - day in, day out – in MINUSTAH [UN Stabilization Mission in Haiti]. I highly commend [you] and I am deeply grateful to all of you. 我们自豪的联合国世界各工作地点的男女工作人员与我们一道参加今天的追悼会。其中包括联合国海地特派团的成员,他们强忍痛苦,不畏艰难,坚持在自己的岗位上。 Today, we commemorate the single greatest loss the UN has suffered in its history. We remember 101 lives of consequence. We honor 101 unique paths that joined in Haiti to write the larger story of the United Nations. These women and men were our own. They were family. 今天,我们缅怀在联合国历史上最惨重损失中牺牲的人员。我们缅怀101个英烈。他们沿着101条独特的道路聚集到海地,谱写联合国的辉煌篇章,可歌可敬。他们就是我们的男女工作人员,是我们的家人。 They came to Haiti from all corners of the world, from all walks of life. Yet they shared a common conviction, a belief in a better future for the people of Haiti, and a common resolve to help them build it. Now those 101 paths come together one final time, here in this chamber, through us - families and friends, colleagues and loved ones. 他们从世界各个角落、各界各层来到海地。但他们却有一个共同的信念,这就是,坚信海地人民有更好的未来,而且怀着帮助海地人民建设这样一个未来的共同决心。现在,通过我们,也就是通过他们的家人和朋友、同事和亲近的人,这101人在这个大厅里最后相聚。 The world knew them as trusted diplomats, dedicated humanitarians and conscientious professionals. They were doctors and drivers, police officers and policy advisers


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