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There?ˉs always one person that makes you smile for no reason. ×üóDò???è??üè????T????μ??¢D| No one can go with you for a lifetime, so you have to adjust yourself to be alone. ??óDè?????×?ò?±2×ó£??ùò???òaêêó|1??à?£. ?¨?àó¢ó?Three regrets in life: unable to choose, unable to persist in choosing, cant stop choosing. è?éúèy′óò?o?£o2??á????£?2??á3?????£?2???μ??????£. Fate determines who enters your life; your actions determine who stays. ?ü?????¨á??-?á??è???μ?éú??£???μ?DD?a???¨á??-?áá????£. If my future has you in it, I?ˉm not afraid of the rest. è?1??òμ??′à′óD??£???ê£??μ??ò?íê2?′??2???á? Crying is how your body speaks when your mouth cant explain the pain you feel. ?T?üê???μ?éíì??ú?μ?°£?μ±??ó?×ìò??T·¨ú1êí???Dêüμ?μ?ì?í′?£. There will always be another day to start afresh. There will always be another person to brighten up your days. ×ü?úáíò?ìì?ü??D??aê??£×üóDáííaμ?è??üμ?ááμ???μ?éú???£. The best part of being mature is that you no longer like the things that you used to really want. 3éêìμ?×?′óo?′|ê?£oò??°μ?2?μ?μ?£????ú2???òaá??£. Life is about moving on, accepting changes, and looking forward to what makes you stronger and more complete. éú???íê??°??£??óêü??±?£??1óD?ú′y??D?è???±?μ??ü??′ó£??üíê??μ?ê????£??°2£? I do it because I can, I can because I want to, I want to because you said I couldnt. ?ò×?£?ê?òò?a?ò?ü?£?ò?ü£?ê?òò?a?ò???£?ò??£?ê?òò?a???μ?ò2??ü?£. If you really want to do something; youll find a way, If you dont; youll find an excuse.è?1?????μ???×?ê2?′ê?£????á?òμ?·?·¨?£è?1???2???£????????ü?òμ??è?ú?£. Yesterday is todays memory, tomorrow is todays dream.×òììê???ììμ???ò?£??÷ììê???ììμ????£. Do not think about the past. Accept the Present. Think for the Future, and face tomorrow with a sweet and beautiful smile. 2?òaà?ê???×?1yè¥?£?óêü???ú?£3????′à′£?ó?ò???×?ìe×??àμ??¢D|?????′à′?£. The best gift you can give to someone is your time, because youre giving them something you can never get back. ???ü??±eè?μ?×?o?à????íê???μ?ê±??£?òò?a????á????????ùò2μ?2?μ?μ????÷?£. Smile is


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