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Unit 5 II. Phrase Interpreting A 1. columnist 2. resident correspondent 3. well-informed source 4. authoritative source 5. top news 6. frontnews 7. exclusive news 8. reliable news 9. inside story 10. box news 1.专栏作家 2.常驻记者 3.消息灵通人士 4.权威来源 5.头条新闻 6.头版新闻 7.独家新闻 8.可靠消息 9.内幕新闻 10.花边新闻 B. 1.采访人 2.被采访人 3.无可奉告 4.新闻发布会 5.现场报道‘ 6.通讯社 7.记者证 8.标题新闻 9.专题报道 10.时事 1. interviewer 2. interviewee 3. no comment 4. news briefing 5. live report 6. news agency 7. press card 8. headline news 9. special report 10. current affairs III. Sentence Interpreting Put the students into pairs and ask them to do the activity. Have one student read the following sentences and the other interpret them one by one. When the students have finished, ask them to compare their sentences with the reference. A. 1. You seem to have been extremely successful in setting up joint ventures in China. 2. We strongly believe that a sound business partnership is the foundation for a successful joint venture. 3. Thank you very much for sharing your experiences with us today. 4. As you know, the world has entered the information era in which telecommunication is evolving as the universal framework for human interaction. 5. As a matter of interest, what are the responsibilities of a director of human resources? 1.您在与中国建立合资企业方面取得了相当大的成功。 2.我们坚信,健康的贸易伙伴关系是一个合资企业成功的基础。 3.谢谢您今天给我们介绍的经验。 4.众所周知,世界已进入信息时代,在这个时代里,电讯为人类的协作搭建了通用的桥梁。 5.我很想知道人力资源部经理都有哪些职责。 B. 1.可不可以请您谈谈与中国做贸易的经验? 2.项目合同与一般的销售和采购合同有什么区别? 3.您认为取得这样的成绩原因何在?是由于你们的市场战略高明,经营管理好,还是什么别的原因? 4.保险是国际贸易的支柱。国际贸易和保险是并肩发展的。没有保险,世界经济就会处于可悲的境地。 5.她精通汉语,在中国法律界和商界很受欢迎。 1. May I ask you to comment upon your experiences of doing business with China? 2. What is the difference between a project contract and an ordinary sales and purchase contract? 3. How do you a


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