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目录 Chapter 1 外贸函电 1. 资信调查 Credit Information 2. 推销 Salesmanship 3. 建立贸易关系 Establishing Business Relations 4. 询盘 Inquiry 5. 报盘 Offer 6. 还盘 Counter-offer 7. 下订单 Order 8. 接受订单 Accepting the Order 9. 拒绝订单 Declining the Order 10. 支付方式 Terms of Payment 11. 催款 Reminder 12. 更改信用证 Amending the L/C 13. 理赔 Settlement of Claims 14. 代理 Agency Chapter 2 商务报告 1. 建议报告 Proposal Report 2. 工作进度报告 Progress Report 3. 述职报告 Work Report 4. 说明报告 Introduction Report 5. 总结报告 Final Report 6. 可行性报告 Feasibility Report 7. 评估报告 Appraisal Report 8. 市场调查报告 Investigation Report Chapter3 行政文书 1. 便条 Note 2. 启事 Announcement 3. 简报 Briefing 4. 广告 Advertisement 5. 备忘录 Memorandum 6. 介绍信 Letter of Introduction 7. 会议日程表 Agenda of the Meeting 8. 会议记录 Minutes 9. 公司决议 Directors’ Resolution Chapter 4 申请函 1. 请假申请 Application for Leave 2. 加薪申请 Application for Salary Revision 3. 申请调动工作 Application for Transferring 4. 申请辞职 Resignation Letter 5. 晋升申请 Promotion Application Chapter 5 通知 1. 面试通知 The Interview Notice 2. 业务通知 Business Notice 3. 新任命通知 Newly Appointed Notice 4. 团体通知 Groups Notice 5. 拜访通知 Visit Notice 6. 扩张营业通知 Business Expansion Notice 7. 建立新公司通知 Establishing a New Company Notice 8. 会议通知 Meeting Notice 9. 收购通知 Purchase Notice Chapter 6 信用证 1. 即期/远期自由议付信用证 Sight / Time Freely Negotiable L/C 2. 可撤销/不可撤销信用证 Revocable / Irrevocable L/C 3. 可转让/可分割信用证 Transferable / Divisible L/C 4. 保兑/不保兑信用证 Confirmed / Unconfirmed L/C 5. 循环信用证 Revolving L/C Chapter 7 单证 1. 海运提单 Bill of Lading 2. 保险单 Insurance Policy 3. 汇票 Draft / Bill of Exchange 4. 装船通知 Shipment Advice 5. 装箱单 Packing List 6. 质量/数量证明书 Quality / Quantity Certification Chapter 1 外贸函电 1. 调查 Credit Information Dear_______, We would like to_______( 我方目的). We understand that_______( 了解情况). So we want to ask you if they are_______( 咨询情况) so that we may take steps to_______( 采取措施后达到的目的). We will be obliged if you will kindly give us the information about_______( 相关信息). Any information you provide will be highly appreciated


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