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表原因或理由的介词:for, at, from, of, with, by, because of 1. for 表示原因,常与 sorry, famous, punish, praise, thank, blame 等词连用。如: ?xLp新思路教育 I am sorry for what I said to you. 我后悔不该对你讲那些话。 ?xLp新思路教育 2. at 指情感变化的原因,意为 “ 因听到或看到而 ……” 。如: ?xLp新思路教育 He was surprised at the news. 听到这消息他大吃一惊。 ?xLp新思路教育 3. from 指 “ 外在的原因 ” ,如受伤、车祸等。如: ?xLp新思路教育 He died from the wound. 他因受伤而致死。 ?xLp新思路教育 4. of 指 “ 内在的原因 ” ,如病、饿等。如: ?xLp新思路教育 The old man died of hunger. 老人死于饥饿。 ?xLp新思路教育 5. with 指生理上或情感上的由外界到内心的原因。如: ?xLp新思路教育 Hearing the news, he jumped with joy. 他们听到这个消息,欣喜若狂。 ?xLp新思路教育 He was shaking with anger. 他气得浑身发抖。 ?xLp新思路教育 6. by 表示外部的,尤其是暴力的或无意中造成某种结果的原因。 ?xLp新思路教育 Her body was bent by age. 他因年老背弯了。 ?xLp新思路教育 She took your umbrella by mistake. 我因弄错拿了你的雨伞。 ?xLp新思路教育 7. because of 表示引起结果的直接原因。如: ?xLp新思路教育 He retired last month because of illness/because he ill. ?xLp新思路教育 8. owing to 多表示引起某不良后果的原因。如: ?xLp新思路教育 Owing to the rain they could not come. 由于下雨他们没来。 ?xLp新思路教育 9. thanks to 表示引起某种幸运结果的原因,常译为“幸亏……,多亏……”。如: ?xLp新思路教育 Thanks to John, we won the game. 多亏约翰,我们才赢了这场比赛。 ?xLp新思路教育 10. out of 表示动机的起因,常译为“出于……”。如: ?xLp新思路教育 He asked the question out of curiosity. 他出于好奇才问了那个问题。 ?xLp新思路教育 11. through 多表示因局部而影响全局的原因。如: ?xLp新思路教育 The war was lost through bad organization. 战争因组织不周而失败了。xLp新思路教育 2. with: 一、with表拥有某物 Mary married a man with a lot of money . 马莉嫁给了一个有着很多钱的男人。 I often dream of a big house with a nice garden . 我经常梦想有一个带花园的大房子。 The old man lived with a little dog on the lonely island . 这个老人和一条小狗住在荒岛上。 二、with表用某种工具或手段 I cut the apple with a sharp knife . 我用一把锋利的刀削平果。 Tom drew the picture with a pencil . 汤母用铅笔画画。 三、with表人与人之间的协同关系 make friends with sb talk with sb quarrel with sb struggle with sb fight with sb play with sb work with sb cooperate with sb I have been friends with Tom for ten years since we worked with each other , and I have never quarreled with him . 自从我们一起工作以来,我和汤母已经是十年的朋友了,但我们从没有吵过架。 四、w


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