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表示活动的常用词组一 4. 主修… major in …. 5. 获奖学金 get a scholarship 6. 遵守纪律 obey the school disciplines 7. 网上聊天 chat online 8. 从事体育运动 go in for sports 11. 学…课程 take up the course of … 12. 做…工作 take up a job as a volunteer / a guide / a attendant 13. 观看一场势均力敌的比赛 watch a close match/game 15. 参加社会实践 take part in social practice 16. 获一等奖 come out first 19. 报名参加竞赛 enter for a competition 20. 申请职位 apply for a post 21. 得到1000元奖励 get 1,000 dollars as a reward 22. 出席/缺席会议 be present at a meeting / be absent from a meeting 26. 补课 /上课外班 make up for the missing lessons/take up extra courses 27. 开展竞赛 have a competition (between …) 28. 组织/参加课外活动 organize / take part in the after class activities 31. 做早操 do morning exercises 32. 交流学生的计划 (carry out) a project of exchanging students 33. 做实验 do/make/perform the experiment 38. 有出色的表现 perform well / do a good job in … 39. 表演短剧 put on a short play 41. 和着音乐唱歌/跳舞 sing songs/dance to the music 42. 分组讨论 have a discussion about … in groups 43. 认真听讲 attend classes attentively 44. 进行热烈的讨论 have a heated discussion about .. 48. 开辩论会 hold/have a debate 50. 扔垃圾 / 捡垃圾 litter rubbish about/ pick up litters 51. 彻底搞卫生 do a thorough cleaning 52. 发表个人意见 present one’s personal ideas 54. 展现班级的面貌 display the image of a class 55. 注意自己的一言一行 mind one’s manners / behaviors 56. 安排某人做… arrange for sb to do sth 60. 为… 加油 cheer for sb 62. 参加某人之中做游戏 join sb in playing games 63. 参加社会实践活动 take part in a social activity 64. 参加才艺表演 join in a talent show 67. 参加军训 take part in the military drills 69. 游览 make a tour of … / take a trip to … 精彩搭配一 把---归因于--- owe---to--- 呼吁节约 call for economy 把---强加给--- impose---to--- 把---作为生活目标 set…as one’s goal in life 号召---做--- call on---to do--- 合理安排生活 have a balanced life ---势力壮大 ---grow in power 毋


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