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国际货运代理专业英语 Unit 4 UCP600   英文原文:On the first of July, 2007, the UCP600 (Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits) came into force. This document is the latest version (sixth revision) of the UCP, a set of rules first drafted in 1933 by the ICC in Paris as the applicable legal framework under which a Letter of Credit (L/C) operates internationally. UCP600 replaces the former UCP500 version.   注释:on the first of July: 7月1日。UCP600 (Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits): 跟单信用证统一惯例国际商会第600号出版物 come into force: 生效,实施 draft: 起草,草拟 applicable: 适用的,适应的 legal framework: 法律体制(framework: 构架,结构)operate:运作,操作 internationally: 国际性的,在国际间 replace: 替代,取代 former: 前面的,从前的   中文意思:《跟单信用证统一惯例》国际商会第600号出版物于2007年7月1日开始实施。这是《跟单信用证统一惯例》必威体育精装版版本(第六版), 最早国际商会于1933年拟定了一套《跟单信用证统一惯例》作为信用证在国际间进行操作适用的法律体制。《跟单信用证统一惯例》第600出版物替代了先前的《跟单信用证统一惯例》第500号出版物。   二、《跟单信用证统一惯例》修订的原因转自环 球 网 校   英文原文:The primary objective of the ICC, which was established in 1919, is facilitating the flow of international trade. It was in that spirit that the UCP were first introduced.   注释:primary: 主要的,原来的,本来的 objective: 目标,宗旨 establish: 创立,建设,成立 facilitate: 促进,使容易,推进 flow: 流转, 流程, 流动 spirit: 精神,灵魂,影响,(法律、文件等的)精神实质   中文意思:国际商会于1919年成立,其最初的宗旨是推进国际贸易的流动。同样基于相同的精神开始实施《跟单信用证统一惯例》。   英文原文:The stated aim of the new revision is, as with earlier revisions, “to address developments in the banking, transport, and insurance industries.” This particular revision has also sought to improve the drafting of the UCP in order to facilitate consistent application and interpretation of the Rules.   注释:stated: 确定的,规定的aim: 目标 as with: 与…一样 address: 发表(演说或讲话), 对付, 写地址insurance industries:保险业 particular: 特别的,特定的 sought (seek的过去式,过去分词) to: 力图,试图,设法,寻求 improve: 改善,改进,增进 in order to: 为了…(表目的)consistent: 一致的,一贯的 application: 使用, 运用, 适用, 应用 interpretation: 解释,诠释   中文意思:《跟单信用证统一惯例》新版本确定的目标,与以前的版本是一样的,“对应银行业,运输业和保险业的发展”。这次特别修订的目的同样也是为了促成规则应用和解释的一致性而进行了改进。   英文原文:Certainly these Rules are more user friendly both in terms of language


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