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高考复习专题讲座 ——写作 2005.4.20 高考作文的评分标准 (内容10分,语言12分,组织结构3分,共计25分) 内容要求: A档 10分 重点明确,内容充实 B档  8分 重点明确,内容较充实 C档  6分 重点明确,但内容单薄. D档  4分 重点不明确,内容松散. E 档  2分 严重离题. 高考作文的评分标准 2. 语言要求: 1) 语言表达正确,文字流畅.(12分) 2) 语法,措词等错误,每处扣1分,同一错误不重复扣分. 3) 单词拼写,标点,大小写等错误,每处扣0.5分,同一错误不重复扣分. 4) 每句扣分不超过2分. 5)语言分最多扣12分. 高考作文的评分标准 3. 组织结构要求: 凡内容和语言两部分得分超过16分,词数超过120个,并符合下列条件者可加分. 1)凡全文的措词,句子结构,上下文连贯性等方面比较出色者,可酌情加1-2分. 2)凡内容充实,语言正确,用词贴切的优秀作文,可加3分. 4. 词数要求:不足120个酌情扣分,少于60个,总分得分最多不超过10分. 记叙文的写作 Write an English composition about 100 to 120 words, according to the situation given in Chinese. 我最难忘的一课. 具体说明为何难忘. 感想. (2000年上海高考题) In my school life, I have attended many classes. But the most unforgettable lesson I have ever had is an English lesson when I was at Grade Two. It is the teacher’s way of teaching that I always remember. On the day, we took out our English books and waited for our English as usual. But to our surprise, she entered the classroom without the English book, but a radio and some paper instead. She gave out the paper and told us that we would learn an English song and she asked us fill in the blanks in the paper while we listened to the song. How wonderful! It was the first time that we had had such a text. We were very excited and listened to the song very carefully. What surprised us most was that we could memorize the words more quickly than ever before. I like the lesson. This new method of teaching makes it easy for us to learn English words. It can also develop our interest in English. I will never forget my lesson. SIMILAR TOPICS An unforgettable test An unforgettable person A happy journey Great changes on the campus/ in Shanghai/ in my neighbourhood… A class meeting before graduation My favourite TV programs Growing pains 提示作文的写作 根据提示用英语写出一段100-120词的短文. 一些学生认为学英语很重要. 一些学生认为不必学英语. 我认为...(观点,理由) (1999年上海高考题) People’s views on learning English vary from person to person. Some think in today’s world we need to make frequent contacts with different people in


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