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2013第8周翻译练习 1.英译汉: Shakespeare’s Island George Gissing Today I have read The Tempest… Among the many reasons which make me glad to have been born in England, one of the first is that I read Shakespeare in my mother tongue. If I try to imagine myself as one who cannot know him face to face, who hears him only speaking from afar, and that in accents which only through the labouring intelligence can touch the living soul, there comes upon me a sense of chill discouragement, of dreary deprivation. I am wont to think that I can read Homer, and assuredly, if any man enjoys him, it is I; but can I for a moment dream that Homer yields me all his music, that his word is to me as to him who walked by the Hellenic shore when Hellas lived? I know that there reaches me across the vast of time no more than a faint and broken echo; I know that it would be fainter still, but for its blending with those memories of youth which are as a glimmer of the worlds primeval glory. Let every land have joy of its poet; for the poet is the land itself, all its greatness and its sweetness, all that incommunicable heritage for which men live and die. As I close the book, love and reverence possess me. Whether does my full heart turn to the great enchanter, or to the island upon which he has laid his spell? I know not. I cannot think of them apart. In the love and reverence awakened by that voice of voices, Shakespeare and England are but one. 2.汉译英: 出生在天津的美国著名作家 周骥良 岁月悠悠。一晃也是如云如烟的往事了。1981年秋,天津作家协会刚刚恢复工作,曾任美国作家联盟主席的约翰·赫赛到天津来了。他是自费来中国旅游,又是特地来重温故乡之梦的。   天津怎么是赫赛的故乡呢?原来他父亲是美国传教士,曾任天津基督教青年会干事多年;他母亲应南开中学邀请到南开中学任英语教师。随他来的翻译多说了几句,说他母亲教出了一位世界知名的人物,那就是周恩来。说他曾经玩笑地说,他是在母亲的肚皮里就已经认识这位伟大的人物了。他1914年出生在天津,11岁离开天津,回到美国。但天津一直留在他的心头,1939年和1946年都来重温过故乡之梦,这次是第三次了。   赫赛这次重温故乡之梦,做了一定的准备。随他来的翻译又多说了几句,说他在北京请人为他译读了天津作家的一些作品,对孙犁的《荷花淀》与方纪的《来访者》评价很高,这就看出他对人生和现实的态度了。   转天,我应邀到他房间去长谈。他把微型录音机放在茶几上,要把我的原话和翻译的译语都留下来。他要我介绍唐山大地震给天津带来的灾情,又要我介绍天津作家的情况,说那两次重返故乡,他都没听说过天津也有作家,特别是听到作家写作不仅拿稿费而且月月有薪金时,仿佛是一大发现,惊奇得在笔记本上做了记录。我也顺势提出一问,他又是怎么靠稿费


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