if you well, i sunny.if you well, is sunny..doc

if you well, i sunny.if you well, is sunny..doc

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If you well, is sunny. 一个人,一本书,一杯茶,一帘梦。 A person, a book, a cup of tea, one curtain dream. 站在时光的十字路口,回望过去的种种单纯与美好,欣慰而悲凉。 Standing at the crossroads of time, look back the past simple and beautiful, happy and sad. 花开花落,风卷云舒。青春如同流沙般从指缝溜走,过去的倔强与轻狂,原来如此荒诞不羁。 Flowers bloom, the wind scud across. Youth slip through our fingers like quicksand, stubborn and frivolous in the past, the original is so absurd. 俗世喧嚣,总会想在空灵停滞的时空内,独倚幽窗,品一壶清茶,细细体味光阴如梭,年华老去。 Earthly blatant, always want to spiritually stagnant in space and time, alone on a window, a pot of green tea, carefully taste the time passed quickly, to grow old. 时光轮回,生命交替,红尘无尽。 Reincarnation, alternate life, the world of mortals endless. 爱情,是奢侈品,即便知道自己消费不起,也渴望拥有。 Love, is a luxury, even know that they cant afford to consumption, also eager to have. 她,林徽因,许多人梦中期待的白莲。她爱过三个男子,徐志摩、梁思成、金岳霖。她的爱理智、清醒而平静。 She, Lin huiyin, a lot of people dream look forward to the white lotus. She loved three man, xu zhimo, liang sicheng, illuminating. Her love of reason, sober and calm. 当爱情接踵而至时,她会做短暂的停留,又义无反顾地离开。她决绝的背影,无比的优雅。 When love came, she can make a short stay, and leave with no regret. She refuse figure, very elegant. 因为这个完美的念想,令得一位才华横溢的男子为她写下最动人的诗章,另两位相安无事地甘于为她守护一生。 Because this perfect read to think, to make a brilliant man for her to write down the most beautiful psalms, two other peacefully willing to guard a lifetime for her. 羡慕这样的女子,自信独立,斐然才情,绝代容颜,温婉如水,寂静淡漠。 Envy such a woman, self-confidence, independence, outstanding talents, some girls face, soft like water, the silent indifference. 始终傻傻的坚持,身体不过是装饰,唯有灵魂可以自由带走,不需要给任何人交代。 Always silly insist, but body is adornment, the soul is the only thing can take away freedom, dont need to anyone. 向往那样的爱情,心灵的交流,看到对方就仿佛看到镜中的自己,无关风月,只为真心。 Yearning love, soul communication, see each other as if to see myself in the mirror, not romantic, only for really. 带着明媚的忧伤,婉转着大海般的清澈,细数洒落满地的寂寞。 With a bright and beautiful sorrow, tactfully with the clear like the sea, to count on ground of lonely. 因为一个人,爱上一座城



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