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戴长征(国际关系学院) 发布日期:2014-11-14 浏览次数:1110 戴长征 性别:男 职称:教授 职务:国际关系学院院长 最高学位:博士 学科专业:世界经济 研究方向:国际政治经济关系、比较政治经济制度、政治学理论 Email:daicz@uibe.edu.cn 教育背景 2011年8月—2012年1月,美国哈佛大学肯尼迪政府学院,高级访问学者 2002年8月—2003年8月,韩国首尔国立大学行政大学院 博士后研究 2001年毕业于中国人民大学政治学理论专业,获法学博士学位 1991年毕业于中国人民大学政治学理论专业,获法学硕士学位 主讲课程 博士:国际政治经济关系 硕士:政治学研究、政府工具、权力现象学、企业政治学研究 本科:政治学、行政学、企业政治学、公共管理思潮、国际战略学 学术发表 1. Economic Cooperation and Regional Stability in East Asia, Journal of Global Policy and Governance ,Vol. 2 No.2, 2013. 2. Corruption and Anti-Corruption in China: Challenges and Countermeasueres, Journal of International Business Ethics, Vol.3 No.2,2010; 3. The International Migration of Talent and Talent Security (1), Contemporary International Relations, Vol.20 No. 2, 2010; 4. The International Financial Crisis and China: Impacts, Challenges and Policies (1), The Korean Journal of Pocicy Studies, Vol. 25 No .1, 2010; 5. Readjusting the Relationships between Central and Local Governments in a China in Transition, The Korean Journal of Policy Studies, Vol.2, No. 1, 2003; 6. Government Reform, Public Participation and Governance Transition in China, Bumhak Press ltd., Seoul , Sept. 2003; 7. A Comparison of the Political Thoughts of Plato and Confucius, Paper Presented at the Phylosophy Conference of Confucius and Aristotle, Athens, Creece, June, 2011; Springer Press, 2011. 8. Impacts of Financial Crisis on China and China’s Countermeasures, Paper Presented at the 18th Anniversary of the Korean Institute of Public Administration, Seoul, Korea, Oct.2009; 9. Corruption and Cooperate Ways of Anti Corruption in Private Sectors: China’s Experiences, Paper Presented at the 5 th International Seminar on Anti-Corruption Strategies in Public and Private Sectors. Seoul Institute for Transparency, the University of Seoul, June, 2005 10. Corruption and Anti-Corruption: A Serious Challenge in a Developing China,Paper Presented at the 4 th International Sem


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