crop sciececrop science.doc

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1、对转基因的看法 转基因是利用现代分子生物技术,将某些生物的基因转移到其他物种中去,改造生物的遗传物质,使其在形状、营养品质、消费品质等方面向人们所需要的目标转变。当今世界对于转基因技术的应用持有不同的看法,那些认为这是一种危险现象的人坚决反对转基因技术的应用。 我认为,转基因技术的出现是科学进步的标志,没有任何人能准确说出作物在转基因后是否有害,转基因技术能商业化也是科学家们经过多次实验的结果,因此我们应理性对待转基因。转基因技术给我们带来的利,是很明显的.首先,转基因技术可以提高单位面积作物产量,不言而喻,产量是育种的重要目标,而且可以缓解世界粮食短缺矛盾。第二,通过转基因技术可培育高产、优质、抗病毒、抗虫、抗寒、抗旱、抗涝、抗盐碱、抗除草剂等特性的作物新品种,以减少对农药化肥和水的依赖.第三,转基因可能提供廉价的和有营养的食物,比如胡萝卜有更多的抗氧化剂 此外,转基因食品可以摆脱季节、气候的影响,让人们一年四季都可吃到新鲜的瓜菜。 总的来说,转基因技术是科学的进步,是发展的必然。然而,我们应尊重每一个人的选择。 Genetically modified (gm) refers to transferring selected individual genes from one organism to another by using modern molecular biological technology in order to modify genetic properties of organisms.The purpose is to meet the demand of people in the shape, nutritional quality, consumption quality, etc. Nowadays ,there are many different views of GM. Those who deem it is a dangerous signal and undesirable impact set themselves against the application of transgenic technology. As for me ,The emergence of genetically modified technology is the mark of scientific progress.No one can clearly tell crop is harmful after GM. Meanwhile, it will lead to the commercialization and its the result of the scientists after many experiments.Hence,we are supposed to treat GM rationally.The following benefits could account for the necessity of GM. First of all,Genetic modification may improve the yield per unit area of crops.It is serious that production is the goal of breeding,and it can relieve the contradictions of the world food shortage.Second,through transgenic technology to cultivate high-yield, high-quality, antivirus, insect resistance, cold resistance, drought resistance, conferring, salt resistance, herbicide resistance characteristics of new crop varieties.So that it can reduce dependence on fertilizers and water.The third,GM may provide inexpensive and nutritious food,like carrots with more antioxidants.In addition,Genetically modified food can get rid of the influence of season, climate, let people can eat


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