
健康知识 饮食与健康.doc

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健康知识 饮食与健康 视线模糊和绿色蔬菜 Blurred vision and green vegetables   眼睛只要睁着,就随时有被感染的可能。绿色蔬菜可以不可以补充足够的抗氧化素,因此可以不可以保护眼睛的健康,让眼睛免受外界的侵害。所以不妨在每日的饭桌上多一点绿色蔬菜,例如芹菜、黄瓜等等都对健康大有益处。 As long as open eyes, is likely to be infected at any time. Green vegetables can not added enough antioxidants, so can not protect the health of the eyes, let the eyes from the outside world. So might as well in the daily table more green vegetables, such as celery, cucumbers, and so on are highly beneficial to health.   鱼治疗哮喘 The fish therapy of asthma   必威体育精装版的研究发现,多吃鱼类可以不可以润肺、补肺,从而缓解哮喘病的症状。这是因为鱼肉中含有丰富的镁元素,难怪急诊室的大夫都用含镁类药物来治疗哮喘病人。对于患严重哮喘的病人,大夫建议:最好每日三餐中保证吃至少一顿的鱼类或其他海鲜类食物。另外,在绿色蔬菜中,菠菜也有一样的功效。 The latest study found that eating fish can not can runfei, filling the lungs, so as to relieve the symptoms of asthma. This is because fish contains abundant magnesium, it is no wonder that the emergency room doctor with magnesium drugs to treat asthma patients. For patients with severe asthma, doctor advice: eat three meals per day in the best way to ensure at least one meal of fish or other seafood kind of food. In addition, in the green vegetables, spinach also have the same effect.   蔬菜和关节炎 Vegetables and arthritis   希腊的科学家这几天做的实验表明:绿色蔬菜吃得越多,患关节炎的可能性就越小。这是科学家针对330人进行的试验中得出的结论。且,爱吃蔬菜的人,老年患关节炎的可能性是不爱吃蔬菜人的1/4。因此,为了健康的骨骼,千万不要忘记在餐桌上多增些绿色。 Greek scientists experiment showed that these days eat green vegetables, the more the possibility of suffering from arthritis. This is for 330 people came to the conclusion in the test. And, who love to eat vegetables, the possibility of senile arthritis is a quarter of people dont like to eat vegetables. Therefore, in order to healthy bones, dont forget to add some more green at the dinner table.   牙出血和葡萄柚 Teeth bleeding and grapefruit   牙龈发炎是让人烦恼的事,不过一旦遇到这种情况也不必担心,因为牙龈发炎其实是体内缺乏维生素C的症状,是你的身体向你发出的求救信号,提醒你该补充维生素了。这时吃—些葡萄柚、柠檬、猕猴桃等含维生素C丰富的水果都会非常有帮助,尤其是葡萄柚,效果更是立竿见影。所以,只要养成每天坚持吃—只葡萄柚的习惯,就会帮你解决牙龈发炎的问题。 Gum inflammation is troubling thing, but once encountered this kind of c



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