
公司管理专业论文 参考)公司管理专业论文 (参考).doc

公司管理专业论文 参考)公司管理专业论文 (参考).doc

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辽宁省高等教育自学考试 公司管理 专业(本科段) 毕 业 设 计 (论 文) 设计题目:辽宁瑞心集团东北大厦酒店管理问题与对策研究 助学单位 姓 名 准考证号 指导教师 2013 年 3 月 摘 要  With the rapid development of Chinas national economy as well as the implementation of a national statutory holiday and paid leave policies growing upscale hotel market demand.Is a potential market for the development of the hotel industry in Liaoning province, Shenyang hotel as capital to the development of industry dynamics.To hold exhibition in Shenyang city hotel makes an abnormal hot.Shenyang hotel development trends will be phased out of small hotels, guest houses lower-end hotels to upscale hotel direction.Luxury hotel in Shenyang will be the stars of tomorrow.Analysis of a case study in Northeast Shenyang City Hotel background, status quo, the competitive environment and the dissection and analysis of application of marketing marketing strategy marketing STP analysis, SWOT of the town hotel analysis combined with the current state of the art marketing prospect speculated that better marketing strategy recommendations for upscale hotels to improve their own management and improved competitiveness as a reference. Northeast mansion on strategy development, after careful analysis, found a lot of problems coming from North-East building development in recent years, price, staff and managers of hotel dining capacity there is also hotel provides rooms conditions are not long-term development of better options.Wanted long-term development better, must also try to establish a development conducive to the long-term development strategies. Key words: Hotel management 、marketing strategy and Strategy development 目 录 摘 要 Ⅰ Abstract Ⅱ 第1章 引言 1 1.1问题的提出 1 1.2研究目的 1 1.3研究思路与方法 2 第2章 酒店管理相关理论综述 3 2.1酒店管理的涵义 3 2.2酒店管理的特点 3 2.3酒店管理的内容 5 第3章 辽宁瑞心集团东北大厦概况 7 3.1酒店简介 7 3.2酒店的发展状况 7 第4章 辽宁瑞心集团东北大厦酒店管理存在的问题 10 4.1发展过热,品牌恶性


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