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M2 Unit 1 短语 无法解释的传说,未解之谜 tales of the unexplained 充满神秘的事 be full of mysteries/be full of mysterious things 先进的科技 advanced science and technology 偶遇 run into/come across/meet by chance(accident) 相信未解之谜 believe in unexplained things 某天(将来的) some day 做某事的理由 reason for doing sth 提前 in advance 加紧,促进 step up 寻找某人 search for sb 失踪 go missing 对……表现出极大的兴趣 show (a) great interest in 由于 due to/because of 因为看见/目睹奇怪的光亮和孩子失踪时出现外星人的报道 due to reports of puzzling lights and of alien visits around the time the boy disappeared 因为头疼 because of a headache 在外/回家很晚 stay out late 出现;显露 show up/turn up/ appear 径直走到他房间 go straight to his room 播放音乐 put on music 根据,依据 according to 拉开窗帘 pull back the curtains 感到害怕 feel/be frightened 排除可能性 rule out the possibility 负责这个案件 take charge of the case 令人信服的证据 strong /hard/ convincing evidence 调查这个案件 look into the case 放弃 give up 取得巨大进步 make much /great progress 对……感到失望 be disappointed with 在某人身上做研究 do research on …..发生在某人身上 happen to sb 失踪的男孩 a missing boy 准备睡觉 be ready for bed 做…..噩梦 have nightmares about/have a bad dream 带走 take away 编离奇的故事故事 make up such amazing stories 做报告 make a speech about 外太空 outer space 以


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