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上海教材牛津版高二年级英语词汇考点(上册) Unit One Sporting events 1. be popular with sb. 受某人喜爱 . be popular in some place 在某地很流行 2. my favorite sport 我最喜欢的运动 .a favorite with my father 我爸爸的宠儿 a great favorite of mine 特别喜欢的人或事 3.a promise of spring in the milder air.和风预示着春天就要到来 a young man of great promise. (=a promising young man)一个很有前途的年轻人 promise a quick answer允诺尽快答复 promise to take me on a holiday.答应带我去度假 an enterprise that promises well.一定有发展的企业 an implied promise默契 writers of promise有希望的作家 remember to carry out your promise .记住要履行诺言。 claim your promise ?兑现你的承诺 ?give promise of rain. 预示着雨的来临。 promise( sb. )that 答应某人做 promise fine weather.预示好天气。? break [go back] ones [a] promise违背诺言, 违约 keep ones [a] promise遵守诺言, 守约 make [give] a promise答应, 许诺 4.do well in, be good at 擅长 在….学得好 5..get straight A 得全优 three straight times 连续三次 come straight to the point 开门见山 go straight to Beijing 直接去北京 a straight line 直线 straight away 立刻 马上 6..keep one’s word遵守承诺 ? have a word with sb. 与某人谈话 ? have words with sb 与某人吵架 ? word came that….(word=the news, 不加冠词)消息传来------ ? a man of few words 沉默寡言的人 ? beyond words 无法用语言表达 ? break one’s word 食言 ? eat one’s words 收回前言 in a few words简单说来, 总之 in a word= in one word一句话, 总而言之 in other words换句话说, 也就是说 leave word 留言 7. despite the expense (=in spite of)尽管开支很大 ? despite what others say 不管别人怎么说 ? 8. the Christmas vacation 圣诞假期 9. take a shuttle bus 乘穿梭巴士 10. run back and forth between A and B 来往于A 与B两地之间 11. climb through the mountain 穿山越岭 12. be dying to get out and play with snow 很想下车去玩雪 13. scramble out of the bus 争着从车里跑出来 ?? scramble to get the best bargains 争着买最便宜的商品 14. check in 登记入住 check out 结账离开 15. overlook the city俯瞰全市 overlook the accounts检查帐目 overlook several mistakes? 忽略了几个错误 overlook little points.忽视小细节。 16. rent an office in a building .在大楼里租了间办公室。 rent a room to Mrs. Zhang租一间房给张太太 The apartment rents at $2000 a month.以…出租 这个单元套房以每月2000美元出租。 17.basic skills 基本技能 basic changes 根本变化 a basic course基础课程 the basics of math.数学基础 basic training.基本训练 basic


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