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相转移催化的研究进展 摘要:相转移催化(Phase transfer),简称PT,是20世纪70年代以来在有机合成中应用日趋广泛的一种新的合成技术。 在有机合成中常遇到非均相有机反应,这类反应的通常速度很慢,收率低。但如果用水溶性无机盐,用极性小的有机溶剂溶解有机物,并加入少量(0.05mol以下)的季铵盐或季磷盐,反应则很容易进行,这类能促使提高反应速度并在两相间转移负离子的鎓盐,称为相转移催化剂。一般存在相转移催化的反应,都存在水溶液和有机溶剂两相,离子型反应物往往可溶于水相,不溶于有机相,而有机底物则可溶于有机溶剂之中。不存在相转移催化剂时,两相相互隔离,几个反应物无法接触,反应进行得很慢。相转移催化剂的存在,可以与水相中的离子所结合(通常情况),并利用自身对有机溶剂的亲和性,将水相中的反应物转移到有机相中,促使反应发生。 Research progress of Phase transfer catalyst Abstract:Introduces the concept of the phase transfer catalyst and its application in Organic synthesis, and the prospect is predicted.: Phase Transfer Catalysis (Phase transfer), referred to as PT, is a twentieth Century 70 years in organic synthesis and application of a new is becoming more widely. In organic synthesis is often encountered in heterogeneous organic reactions, usually the speed of this kind of reactions very slow, low yield. But if the water soluble inorganic salt, with small polar organic solvents and adding a small amount(0.05mol) quaternary ammonium or phosphonium salt, the reaction is easily,this kind of to increase the reaction speed and onium salt anion two phase transfer, known as phase transfer catalyst . The general existence of phase transfer catalytic reaction, in aqueous and organic solvent phase, are soluble in water, insoluble in organic phase, and the organic substrate is soluble in organic solvent. There is no phase transfer catalyst,two-phase isolated from each other, unable to contact several reactants,reaction is very slow. The presence of phase transfer catalyst, can be combined with the aqueous phase (usually), and the use of their own on of organic solvents, the reaction was transferred into organic phase and water phase, prompt reaction. Keywords:Phase transfer catalyst ; application ; prospect 1.相转移催化剂的概述 许多有机合成反应在均相条件下容易进行,而在非均相条件下不易进行,或者存在反应速率慢,效果差,反应不完全的特点。如1-溴正辛烷与氰化钠水溶液所组成的这类互不相容的有机-水两相体系 该反应在103℃下反应3h,收率仅为2.3%。 但是如果加入相转移催化剂(PTC)后反应在两相之间进行,使反应更彻底。 2.相转移催化剂的优点 相转移催化反应是近年来新兴起的应用于非


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