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学生姓名: 年级: 科目: 授课日期: 月 日 上课时间: 时 分 —— 时 分 合计: 2 小时 教学目标 掌握所涉及动词正确形式填空动词用法 重难点导航 教学简案: 1 真题演练 2 作文技巧 3 英语作文常用词语和句型 4 作文模板 5 个性化作业 授课教师评价: □ 准时上课:无迟到和早退现象 (今日学生课堂表 □ 今天所学知识点全部掌握:教师任意抽查一知识点,学生能完全掌握 现符合共 项) □ 上课态度认真:上课期间认真听讲,无任何不配合老师的情况 (大写) □ 海豚作业完成达标:全部按时按量完成所布置的作业,无少做漏做现象 审核人签字: 学生签字: 教师签字: 备注:请交至行政前台处登记、存档保留,隔日无效 (可另附教案内页) 大写:壹 贰 叁 肆 签章: (?? ) 1. ________ it is today! A. What fine weather?? B. What a fine weather?? C. How a fine weather?? (?? ) 2. Which is the way to the __________?   A. shoe factory?????????? B. shoes factory???????????? C. shoe’s factory??????????? D. shoes’ factory (?? ) 3. This class ________ now. Miss Gao teaches them.   A. are? studying???????? B. is? studying???????????? C. be? studying??????????? D. studying (?? ) 4. We will have a _________ holiday after the exam   A. two month?????? ???B. two-month????????????? C. two month’s??????????? D. two-months (?? ) 5. There is no enough ________ on the corner to put the table   A. place?????????????? B. room???????????????????? C. floor??????????????????? D. ground (?? ) 6. We? can? have _____? blue sky if we create _____ less polluted world   A. a;?? a ????????????B. a;? the?????????????????? C. the;?? a???????????????? D. the;? the (?? ) 7. — Are you ________ American or English? — English.. We are working in Wuhu.  A. a????????????????? B. \ ???????????????????????C. the????????????????????? D. an (?? ) 8. You like playing basketball, and he likes running, _______?   A. don’t you???? B. doesn’t he???? C. do you??????? D. does he (?? ) 9. —Why not take ____ umbrella with the sign “ Made in China”?? It is?? _____ useful? umbrella?  —What _______ good advice it is!   A. an; an; a?????????? B. an; a; \?????? ???????C.? a;? an;? a????????? D. \; an; a (?? ) 10. – When shall we meet again next week??? ? -- _______ day is possible. It’s no problem with me。  A. Either??


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