第二讲 翻译理论辉煌第二讲 翻译理论的辉煌.doc

第二讲 翻译理论辉煌第二讲 翻译理论的辉煌.doc

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第二讲 翻译理论的辉煌 西方翻译理论的主要流派及成就 美国翻译理论 Eugene. A. Nida:Functional Equivalence Oklahoma, pious Christian, Los Angel University, South California University (Master in Holly Bible New Testament in Greece ) Michigan University (Doctor of Linguistics guided by Charles Fries Leonard Bloomfield in1943) 美国圣经公会供职 从事组织和指导圣经翻译工作。著作40多部,论文250余篇 最早、最多,影响最大。谭载喜《奈达论翻译》《中国翻译》和外国语。 1984年,中国对外翻译出版公司 与金隄合著 On Translation: With Special Reference to Chinese and English 《论翻译》Language, Culture, and Translating (1993) 《语言、文化与翻译》Shanghai Foreign Languae Education Press世界性的深远影响,为翻译注入了新思想和活力,引进了新的概念和方法。“奈达的著作,开创了翻译理论的新时代。”(Christian Balliu) 奈达的翻译思想分成三阶段:1)描写语言学 句法、词法和语义翻译问题的描写研究2)交际理论 运用语言学理论 最重要,成熟、发展、系统3)社会符号学 运用社会语言学和社会符号学 翻译从科学到艺术的转化 翻译是艺术(art),翻译家是天生的;翻译研究是科学(science),是比较语言学的重要分支。翻译基本上是一种技艺(technology),需要多种学科才能产生令人满意的译作,包括语言学、文化人类学、心理学和交际理论(1996)。 奈达的基本翻译思想:1)翻译是交际活动2)翻译主要是译意3)为了译意,必须改变语言表达形式。 翻译过程四阶段:分析(analysis)、转换(transfer)、重组(restructure)和检验(test)。 Eugene. A. Nida’s translating thought and theory have made worldwide influence. Not only has he published a great number of books and essays on translation, but also he is active in taking part in international academic exchanges and always gives lectures all over the world even in his eighties. He has brought new thought and vigor to the career of translation by introducing new concepts and methods. Is it a translator’s task to focus primarily on the source culture or the target culture? Although the answer is not clear-cut, the dominant criterion is the communicative function of the target text. Translating means communicating, and this process depends on what is received by persons hearing or reading a translation. Judging the validity of a translation cannot stop with a comparison of corresponding lexical meanings, grammatical classes, and rhetorical devices. What is important is the extent to which receptors correctly understand and appreciate the translated text. Accordingly, it is essential that “functional equivalence be stated prim


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