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雅思大作文让步段套句分享   导语:下面是小编整理的雅思大作文让步段套句,希望能带给您帮助。   Sample Question:   Should sports classes be sacrificed in high school so that students can concentrate on academic subjects?   Application:   Intro:   模板:   Para1: (让步段常用套句)   At first thought, it may seem an attractive idea, for but it dies not bear any closer analysis.   Superficially, it seems to be a sound solution, for itbut when carefully weighing it in the mind, we find that   This idea may seem to bear some benefits, for it, however sound the argument of..maybe, they only skim the surface of the problem. Irsquo;d like to have a deep analysis in the following.   Despite the fact that the majority hold the opinion that., I doubt whether the argument can bear much analysis.   Many people tend to think/maintain/argue/believe that   They may be right/correct in saying /asserting that, but they seem to neglect the fact that   It is perhaps true that, but one vital fact /point is being left our of our consideration.   It is true that , but it does not follow that   Some people propose/suggest/advocate thatBut what these people fail to take into consideration is that   There is probably some truth/ a certain plausibility in the arguments/ideas, but they ignore a deeper and more basic/ important fact that   A closer examination/ analysis, however, indicates /suggests that the argument/assumption may not be supported/ borne out by the fact   Para2:   Firstly, .   Secondly   Thirdly   Conc:   Although.., its merits/demerits further exceed its demerits/merits, thus we should 篇二: 部门及员工绩效考评制度 部门及员工绩效考评管理制度 为规范公司对部门和员工的绩效考评制定本制度。 1.目的 通过对部门和员工日常工作和行为规范的考核、考评,建立公司绩效考评管理系统,促进个人工作素养和整体工作效率的不断提高,防止和纠正部门和员工渎职、失职、违纪、违规行为,保证公司绩效目标管理的达成。 2.适用范围 适用于公司内部对部门和员工的各级考评、各类行为规范的考核的管理。 3.职责和权限 3.1总经理或其授权人或公司主管领导对总经理办公室和人力资源部有考评权和考核权,负责对各类考评、考核结果的最终认定。 3.2公司成立由总经理或其授权人、主管领导、总经理办公室和人力资源部等职能部门组成的考核小组,考核小组对各部门有考评权和考核权。 3.3各部门和生产单位负责人对本单位的员工进行管理,行使考评权和考核权。 3.3人力资源部负责归口


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