2014年市桥城区六年级英语竞赛试题 (听力材料与答案)2014年市桥城区六年级英语竞赛试题 (听力材料与答案).doc

2014年市桥城区六年级英语竞赛试题 (听力材料与答案)2014年市桥城区六年级英语竞赛试题 (听力材料与答案).doc

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2014年市桥城区六年级英语竞赛试题 (听力材料与答案)2014年市桥城区六年级英语竞赛试题 (听力材料与答案)

2014年市桥城区六年级英语竞赛试题 (听力材料与答案) 注意: (1)全部题目在一小时内完成, 全部听力部分题目只读一次; 听力部分(45分) 情景反应。听录音,请写出恰当的答语。(5题)(10分) 1._____________________. 2.___________________ 3.______________________ 4. ____________________ 5.______________________ My best friend is Alice. What ‘s your best friend? We are going to play tennis. Why not go with us? What’s the weather like in Panyu? I usually put my bag beside the desk. Where is your bag? If there is a fire, who can we call for help? 听录音,选择正确的图片。把正确答案的编号在答题卡中用铅笔涂黑。(5题,5分) 6. M: Did they buy a round box of chocolates for Sandy’s birthday, mm, with animals ? No. They bought a square box with some flowers for her. 7. M: Is Mary taking the train to New York tomorrow? W: No, she’s driving there. She thinks it’s cheaper. 8. M: Is Kelly twenty-one on Saturday, May the sixteenth? W: No, her birthday’s on Sunday, May the seventeenth. 9. W: Did Sam have bread and eggs for his breakfast this morning? M: No,. he had only noodles. 10. M: hi, Jane. I’ve got two tickets for the volleyball game. Would you like to go with me? W: Thank you. But I’m very busy. I’m afraid I can’t go with you, Sorry. 6. A 7. C 8. B 9. A 10. C 三、听对话一次,根据短文内容选出问题的正确答案。把正确答案的编号在答题卡中用铅笔涂黑。(10分)(10题) 听第一段对话回答第11—12题。 M:Mum, do you see my brown shoes? W: Yes, they’re under the black table. M: No, they’re not. I left them under the chair near the desk this morning, but they’re not there now. W: There they are—under the bed. M: Thanks, Mum. 11. What colour are the boy’s shoes? A. Blue B. Black C. Brown 12. Where are the boy’s shoes? A. Under the chair B. Under the bed C. Under the desk 听第二段对话回答第13—14题。 W: Brown’s Builders, good afternoon. M: Good afternoon. I’d like to speak to Miss Green, please. W: I’m afraid she’s not in the office at the moment. M: Can you give her a message for me? W: Yes, certainly. Who’s calling please? M: My name is David. Could you tell her that the time for the meeting has



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