CET4 and CET-6 翻译评分标准CET4 and CET-6 翻译评分标准.ppt

CET4 and CET-6 翻译评分标准CET4 and CET-6 翻译评分标准.ppt

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Translation评分标准 翻译:解题步骤 例如:____________(她目不转睛地看着窗外),she told us that our friend Tom had died in the air crash. 【解析】划线部分不是一个句子,而是一个状语成分,必须使用非谓语结构或独立主格结构。 Staring out of the window; step 2. 审查时态 例如:Since we’re here ____________(我们不如四处看看). 【解析】 前半句一个条件状语从句,因此划线部分应该是主句,有完整的主谓结构,而且全句使用的是一般现在时态 。 we may as well look around. step3. 组织语言 例如:By contrast,American parents were more likely ________________(把孩子的成功归因于)natural talent. 【解析】本题考查be likely to do sth.“很可能做……”和attribute sth. to sb. “将……归因于……”的用法 to attribute their children’s success to step 4. 重新审视 确认自己翻译的部分与题目给出的英文部分已构成了一个语法正确、达意清晰的句子。还应该重点检查句首字母的大写、冠词和代词的使用以及主谓一致的问题。 翻译 评分标准 1.?整体内容和语言均正确,得1分。 ?2.?结构正确,但整体意思不确切、信息不全或用词不当,得0.5分。 ?3.?整体意思正确但语言有错误,得0.5分。? 4.?整体意思完全错误,即使结构正确也不得分。? 5.?大小写错误及标点符号忽略不计。 87. Only when you have passed the tests required ____________(你才能申请驾照) 0分 1.you can apply for your license (语言错误,信息不全) 2.you can apply to the diver passport carefully(语言错误,局部信息有误) 3. then you can get your/apply the drive license(语言错误,局部信息有误) 4.you just can bring the driving card(信息错误) 5.can you reply a license card(信息错误) 87. Only when you have passed the tests required ____________(你才能申请驾照) 0.5分 1.can you apply for a driver’s card/diploma/passport. (意思不确切) 2.can you apply for a diver’s password/post(局部信息有误) 3.you can apply for the diver’s license(语言错误) 4.can you apply for a^ license (信息不全) 5.can you apply for ^ diver’s license (语言错误) 6.can you apply for a drive/driver license(语言错误) 7.can you apply to the driving license(语言错误) 8.that/if you could apply for a drive license(语言错误) 9.can you apply ^a driver’s license (局部信息有误) 87. Only when you have passed the tests required ____________(你才能申请驾照) 1分 1.can you apply for the driving license/ a driving license 2. could you ask for a driving certificate 3.can you make a driver’s license application 4. can you have the qualification to apply for a driving licence 5. will you be allowed to apply for a driver’s license. 88. Working mother today feel it is difficult to ___________



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