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论我国上市公司高管人员薪酬激励机制 摘要:随着知识经济的发展,人力资源特别是高素质人才在企业中的作用越来越大,其重要性甚至超过了物质资源。激励是人力资源管理的重要内容,而薪酬激励是提高人力资源管理有效性的重要手段。一来有效的薪酬激励机制可以极大的调动员工工作的积极性,提高企业绩效,但是如果企业不能提供有力的薪酬激励,甚至低于行业内薪酬水平,就会大大降低员工工作热情;其次,合理的薪酬机制可以挖掘员工的潜力,充分利用人力资本资源,不仅员工的效益得到最大的发挥,公司的绩效也随之提高,一举两得。积极有效的薪酬设计,可以激励公司高层管理人员发挥自身潜力,使得公司高层管理人员通过自身的努力,提升股东权益与公司绩效,最终实现双赢。我国上市公司的薪酬激励机制近年来已经取得了很大的进步,但仍然存在很多问题。本文深入分析了目前上市公司薪酬激励机制存在的问题,并由此提出了集体的政策建议。 关键字:高管人员 薪酬激励机制 上市公司 报酬结构 Abstract: With the development of knowledge economy, human resources, especially talent in the enterprise plays a more and more important role, its importance even more than material resource. Motivation is the important content of human resource management, and salary incentive is to improve the effectiveness of human resource management of the important means. To effective incentive mechanism can mobilize the enthusiasm of the staff work, improve enterprise performance, but if the enterprise can provide a powerful incentive pay, even lower than the industrys salary, it will greatly reduce the staff job enthusiasm; second, the reasonable salary system can tap the potential of employees, make full use of human capital resources, not only on the staff the benefits are the biggest play, the companys performance is also improved, shoot two hawks with one arrow.Active compensation design, can motivate senior management staff to play to their potential, the senior management of the company through its own efforts, enhance shareholder rights and corporate performance, and eventually realize a win-win situation. The salary incentive mechanism of China listing Corporation in recent years has made great progress, but there are still many problems.This article analyzes the current listing Corporation salary incentive mechanism existence question, and proposes the policy recommendations of the collective. Keywords:senior executives compensation incentive mechanism listing corporation compensation structure 目录 1上市公司高管薪酬激励的含义及理论基础 3 1.1高管薪酬激励的含义


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