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2014.3 South Architecture / 南方建筑 /The Frontiers of Landscape Architecture Research风景园林研究前沿 基于“海绵城市”理念的下沉式绿地 优化设计 * Optimization Design of Sunken Greenbelt Based on the Concept of “Sponge City” 苏义敬 1  王 摘要 我国许多城市洪涝灾害频发与水资源短缺的矛盾不断加深,融合“海绵城市”与国内外必威体育精装版的雨洪管理理念建 设下沉式绿地,实现防治内涝、水资源利用、景观美化的多重效益。基于北京《雨水控制与利用工程设计规范》,通 过水量平衡法计算下沉式绿地的设计参数。在壤质砂土地区,绿地下沉率为 50%,年径流总量控制率 85% 的条件下, 绿地率为 20%、30%、40% 时,合理的下沉式绿地设计深度分别为 200、120、75mm。最后介绍了下沉式绿地的竖 向设计、景观美化、植物淹水时间的优化设计方法。 关键词 城市绿地;绿色基础设施;雨洪管理;海绵城市;下沉式绿地;优化设计 ABSTRACT In many Chinese cities, the conflict of frequent flooding and water shortage got deeper, it is necessary to integrate the latest concept of ecological stormwater management and “sponge city” into the construction of sunken green space landscape, so as to realize multiple benefits including the flooding control, water resource utilization and landscaping. Based on Beijing “Code for design of stormwater management and harvest engineering”, through water balance method, the design parameters of sunken greenbelt is determined. In the loamy sand area, sink rate of green space is 50%, under the condition of the control rate of total annual runoff more than 85%, when the ratio of green space for 20%, 30%, and 40%, the proper sinking depth of sunken greenbelt are 200mm, 120mm, and 75mm, respectively. Finally, the article briefly introduces the optimum design of grading, landscaping, and plant waterlogging time. KEY WORDS Urban green space; green infrastructure; stormwater management; sponge city; sunken greenbelt; optimal design * 北京市教委环境科学及环境工程教学专项,项目编号:PXM2013-014210-000157;国家自然科学基金青年科学基 金项目:城市绿地景观格局对雨洪过程和雨水系统效果的影响及优化调控研究,项目编号 中图分类号 S731.2;TU985.12+3      文献标识码 A DOL 10.3969/j.issn.1000-0232.2014.03.039    文章编号 1000-0232(2014)03-0039-05 作者简介 1 硕士研究生;2 讲师 通讯作者;电子邮箱:ezhu0309@;3 教授;4 本科生;1234 城市雨水 系统与水环境省部共建教育部重点实验室、北京建筑节能减排关键技术协同创新中心、北京建筑大学环能学院环境科 学与工程系(北京,100044);5 中国·城市建设研究院,工程师(北京,100120) 39 风景园林研究前沿 The Frontiers o


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