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讲幼儿英语故事的注意事项 1、注意发音(节奏、语调) 2、注意对于故事的改编使其生动,难易程度更服务于教 学目标 如:加入对话,模仿人物声音,更具寓意,删加角色等 3、注意将故事的表情及动作 4、道具的使用 The Flow Greetings Self-introduction Story-telling LOGO 4.小班和中班前期所用的故事情节不要复杂,人物不要太多;教师讲述稿的文字不超过100个,对幼儿只要求听懂故事能说出主要词语即可。并要有图片、玩偶、挂图、实物等视觉辅助材料。 5.中班后期和大班所用的故事情节可适当复杂,人物也可适当增加,有些故事可有开放性的结尾供幼儿自由想象表达。教师的讲述稿的文字可增加到200字左右。可用挂图、大幅图书、真实或模拟场景等作辅助。并可以和戏剧表演、美工活动等相结合。 Click to add Title 学前儿童英语故事教学活动 * * 学前儿童英语故事教学活动 LOGO Click to add Title 学前儿童英语故事教学活动 英语故事对学前儿童具有极大的吸引力,它情节生动活泼,内容极富发展性和趣味性,使学前儿童在和谐的气氛中增进学习意识,提高学习兴趣。 LOGO 一、英语故事的特点 1.重点词语的重复 Click to add Title 如故事:Who Will Play With Me? It’s a fine day. A kitty is walking here and there. He calls, “Who will play with me?” A dog is coming. “Will you play with me, Mr. Wuff?” He asks, ”Will you be my friend?” “I’m sorry. I can’t play with you.” The dog replies. A cow is coming. “Will you play with me, Mr. Moo?” He asks, ”Will you be my friend?” “I’m sorry. I can’t play with you.” The cow replies. 学前儿童英语故事教学活动 LOGO A duck is coming. “Will you play with me, Mr. Quack?” He asks, ”Will you be my friend?” “I’m sorry. I can’t play with you.” The duck replies. The kitty is sad. He says to himself, “Will no one play with me?” A girl is coming. ““Will you play with me, little kitty?” She asks, ”Will you be my friend?” “Yes, I will play with you.” The kitty answers happily. “I will be your friend.” Click to add Title 学前儿童英语故事教学活动 LOGO 2.词语的替换 可以根据幼儿的学习程度和要求,对故事中的一些词语进行替换。如上面故事中的动物可以根据需要换成马、鸡、袋鼠等。 Click to add Title 3.易于向其它教育形式转换 学前儿童故事很容易转换成其它教学形式,如戏剧表演、对话、歌词等。 学前儿童英语故事教学活动 LOGO 如故事 Zebra And His Friend. Click to add Title A zebra is ill. His animal friends come to see him. They ask him, “ What do you like to eat ? ” The zebra answers, “ I dreamed a dream last night. I saw a fruit in my dream. It is red, round, sweet and juicy, very tasty. I think the fruit can help me. Can you find one for me ?” “ It’s a litchi.” the monkey says. “No,” the zebra says, “ It’s bigger than a l


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