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青岛理工大学 毕 业 论 文 题目: 东营市人民医院综合楼混凝土质量控制 学生姓名: 王晓伟 学生学号: 201273109 院系名称: 土建工程系 专业班级: 工程监理124 指导教师: 安庆锋 2015年 6 月 12 日 摘 要 随着建筑业的发展,建筑工程质量越发引人关注,建筑工程质量既关系到国民经济的发展,有关系到人民群众的切实利益,工程质量差别所带来的后果,往往比其他行业更为严重,后果不堪设想,因此,在我国很早就提出“百年大计,质量第一”的方针,号召社会对工程质量引起关注。 然而在现代建筑中时常涉及到混凝土施工,如高层楼房基础,大型设备基础等,这些部位对于混凝土的质量要求高,工程质量的好坏直接影响到结构的安全使用,因此混凝土的质量控制就显得至关重要。通过工程实践证明,混凝土施工难度较大,为了降低经济损失,对混凝土整体控制,及混凝土的检测至关重要。 本文结合施工技术,规范,从混凝土配置,各个施工环节阐述了混凝土施工中的质量检测、处理措施、以及混凝土的发展。 关键词: 混凝土性能,质量要求,Abstract With the development of the construction, the construction quality increasingly attention, construction quality is related to the development of national economy, has a relationship to the peoples real interests, about the consequences of the project quality difference, tend to be more serious than any other industry, consequences, and therefore, in our country have long put forward in one hundred, quality first policy, calling for social attention to project quality. However often involves the concrete construction in modern architecture, such as high-rise buildings, large equipment base, etc., these areas for concrete quality requirement is high, the engineering quality directly affect the safe use of the structure, so the quality control of concrete it is critical. Through the engineering practice proves that the concrete construction is difficult, in order to reduce the economic loss, the overall control of concrete, and the detection of concrete is very important. In this paper, combined with the construction technology, the specification, from the configuration of concrete, concrete quality requirements, the mixture workability, physical properties, concrete vibratory, expounds the concrete construction quality of the casting various construction link detection, treatment measures, and the development of concrete. Keywords: Concrete performance, Quality requirements, Concrete mixture C-oncrete qua


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