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中医英语整理资料 Chapter 1 Yin-yang and five phase theory 1.1Basic terms and phrases in yin-yang and five phase theory 阴阳学说Yin-yang theory 精气学说Essential qi theory 五行学说Five phase( element) theory 相生 engendering( wood engenders fire; Fire engenders earth…) 相克( restraining( Earth restrains water, Water restrains fire…) 相乘 overwhelming( 或 over-acting) 相侮 rebellion( 或insulting) 母子相及 mother and child affecting each other 母气mother qi 子气 child qi 虚 deficiency 实 excess 表 exterior 里 interior 热 heat 寒 cold 阴盛yin exuberance 阴盛阳衰Yin exuberance with yang debilitation 阳盛阴衰Yang exuberance with yin debilitation 阴阳是事物的两类属性 Yin and yang are the fundamental categories of all phenomena. 背属阳, 腹属阴;The back is yang and the abdomen is yin. 六腑属阳,五脏属阴The six bowels are yang and the five viscera are yin. 气属阳, 血属阴 表、 实、热 证属阳,里、虚 、寒 属阴Exterior, excess and heat disease patterns are yang , while interior, deficiency and cold disease patterns are yin. 阴阳互根 mutual rooting of yin and yang 阳根于阴, 阴根于阳Yang has its root in yin; yin has its root in yang. 阴损及阳Detriment to yin affects yang 阳损及阴Detriment to yang affects yin. 肝阳上亢Ascendant hyperactivity of liver yang 阳胜则阴病, 阴胜则阳病;If yang abounds, yin ails and if yin abounds, yang ails. 阳胜则热, 阴胜则寒 When yang prevails, there is heat and when yin prevails there is cold. 寒胜则痛 when cold prevails, there is pain. 升清降浊 upbearing the clear and downbearing the turbid 邪之所凑, 其气必虚 For pathogens to encroach, qi must be deficient ( translated by Nigel Wiseman) 大肠主津,小肠主液 The large intestine governs fluid while the small intestine governs humor. 夺血者无汗, 夺汗者无血。 Despoliation of blood diminishes sweat, and despoliation of sweat diminishes blood. 衄家不可发汗, 亡血家不可发汗。 Patients suffering from nosebleeds may not be made to sweat and patients suffering from blood collapse may not be made to sweat. 1.2治疗学( Therapeutics) 散 dissipate 理 regulate 清 clear 泻 purge 敛 constrain 润 moisten 补 tonify 滋 enrich 养 nourish 健 fortify 固 secure 解 release 涩 astringe 祛 dispel 温 warm 益 repl


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