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广东医科大学成人高等教育毕业论文 姓 名: 林旖婷 学 号:1452304240009年 级:14级专 业:检 验层 次:本 科中老年人体检血脂水平分析摘要心血管病是当今世界上严重威胁人类健康的疾病之一,而是二十一世纪以来我国心血管病的发病率和死亡率均呈上升趋势,;随着年龄的增加,人体的各器官功能也逐渐下降,心脑血管的发病率也逐年增加,影响中老年人的生活质量,给社会和经济造成沉重的负担,所以,关注中老年人的身体健康具有重大的意义;目前检测血脂水平分析主要是通过某一个区域的体检中心样本分析血脂的含量,判断不同区域的血脂与年龄和性别的相关性;这次实验主要是分析深圳市某区中的血脂分布情况,主要分析面向的对象是40岁以上的中老年人,比较不同阶段的人群中的不同比例验证与全国血脂的一般水平;分为男女各5组年龄段采样数据,采样数据具有很大差异化,比较明显突出深圳某区中的血脂含量中代表性。经过大量的数据分析可以得出结论,可能是地域与饮食习惯、工作节奏等差异,分析造成不同的血脂含量水平主要原因; 高脂血症是中老年人群中常见的一种疾病,血脂代谢发生紊乱;脂肪代谢或运转异常;血浆中的一种或几种脂质水平,包括血浆TC及TG水平过高或血浆HDL水平过低;人体血浆中TC、TG和各种脂蛋白水平高于同年龄正常值都属于高脂血症。诸多文献显示,机体血浆中的胆固醇随年龄增长而增高,男性在65岁左右达到最高值,女性在70岁左右达到最高值,这一年龄后由于机体对胆固醇吸收减少或肝脏合成胆固醇的能力降低,血浆胆固醇水平不再上升或有所降低,本研究的结果也助证这一观点;关键字:心血管病、体检、血脂 Analysis of blood lipid level in old aged peopleabstractCardiovascular disease is one of diseases to human health severely threaten the world today, but since the beginning of the 21st century the incidence and mortality of cardiovascular disease in China showed a rising trend; with the increase of age, human body each organ function gradually decreased, vascular and cerebral vascular disease incidence increased year by year, affecting the elderly quality of life, for the society and the economy caused heavy burden, so pay attention to the elderlys health is of great significance;The analysis of serum lipid level measurement is the main lipid content through a regional medical center sample analysis, relevance judgments in different regions of the blood lipid and age and gender; the experiment is mainly to analyze the distribution of lipid in certain district in Shenzhen City, the object is mainly for the elderly over the age of 40, the general level of different comparing the proportion of different stages in the crowd and the verification of blood lipid; divided into 5 groups of men and women of all ages sampling data, sampling data has great difference, obviously prominent representative lipid content in a certain district of Shenzhen; after a large amount of data analysis it can be concl


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