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摘 要随着科学技术的不断发展,机械产品趋精密、复杂,改型也益频繁,对机床的性能、精度、自动化程度等提出了越来越高的要求。机械加工工艺过程自动化是实现上述要求的重要技术措施之一,不仅能提高产品质量和生产率,降低生产成本,还能改善工人的劳动条件。为此,许多企采用自动机床、组合机床和专用机床组成自动或半自动生产线。但是,采用这种自动、高效的设备,需要很大的初期投资以及较长的生产准备周期,只有在大批量的生产条件(如汽车、拖拉机、家用电器等工业主要零件的生产)下、才会有显著的经济效益。
Enable producing the target in process of production (such as raw materials, the blank, parts and so on ) take place direct course of change ask craft course, if the blank is made, machining, heat treatment etc. and call it the craft course. In the course of making the craft , is it confirm every erector various processes of positioning, clamping scheme and the process step of the process, the locomotive of processing , this process , and the entering the giving amount of the lathe, cut depth , the rotational speed of the main shaft and speed of cutting, the jig of this process, the cutter and measuring tool, a one hundred sheets of number of times still leaves and a one hundred sheets of length leaves, calculate basic time of this process .This paper analyzes Chinas domestic and foreign institutions fried tea machine status, the prospect of the future to design a new type of small fried tea institutions. The machine body is small fry tea barrel by the rubbing, rubbing plates, pressure devices, gear box and electric motor. Bevel gear reducer and the link with Rotary, mainly rely on three rotating rod, so that kneading the bucket on the relative eccentricity of the fixed plate for rotary movement, tea, rub it in the barrel by the pressure plate cover and a fixed role on the edge of bone the rolling, until the completion of rolling operations. The rub is located in the bottom of the cone on the lid with edge of bone, so the barrel to ensure that the lower part of the normal kneading kneading tea is also a
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