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人民币国际化进程及对中国经济的影响Samuelay Joe摘 要继改革开放以来,中国经济的长久高速稳定的发展与对外经贸规模的急剧扩大,人民币国际化就越显得尤为重要。在人民币逐步成为国际货币的同时,对中国经济将会产生怎样的影响,中国又该如何应对。本论文主要以文献考核为基准,再结合理论分析趋势与结果。从纵向来看,考证出人民币走向国际化的发展历程及现状;再从横向的角度,结合美元、欧元、日元、德国马克国际化进程和南非兰特区域化进程,总结分析其成功失败的根本因素,充分吸取各国货币周边化、区域化、国际化的经验和教训。基于国际货币竞争、汇率、人民币外汇衍生品三大视角来剖析人民币国际化对中国经济的影响。最后以中国基本国情和国策为出发点,建立完善的金融市场和增强对金融、外汇市场的管制,充分利用,逐步推进和灵活应对人民币国际化进程,相信会为中国带来巨大的经济和政治利益。关键词:人民币国际化;日元国际化;货币竞争; 汇率;金融市场 ABSTRACTAs going with the path of opening up and economic reform, the long term development with high speed of Chinese economy and the external trade scale needs more expansion. The internationalization of RMB becomes more and more important when the ages comes that RMB gradually becoming the international currency ,it will how effected the Chinese economy and what should China should deal with it .This papers will based of the important date and documents ,then combining the theory in order to analyst so the trend and result .in one hand analyzing the development of regress and RMB’s internationalization in other hand of considering the dollar .euro, yen and deutsche mark’s internationalization and South Africa Rend regionalization progress . Conclude and analyze the radical reason whether good or not. Fully absorbing the experiences of every country’s currency internationalization and regionalization .based on the 3 point view that included the international trade contend. exchange rate and RNB’S foreign exchange derivative to analyze how the RMB internationalization effected the China economy .at the last .because of the Chinese basis state, policy and strategy .to contributes a better finance market .make more effort to manage the foreign exchange rate and the finance . In an order to use gradually put and deal with the RMB internationalization freely. There will bring china the huge economy benefit and politics benefit.Key words: The internationalization of RMB; The internationalization of Japanese Yen; Currency competition; Exchange rate; financial market 目


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