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CMMI-DEV V1.3 Process Management PAs 过程管理过程域 义杰 咨询师 上海解元 组织过程类PA L3: OPF(组织过程聚焦) OPD(过程定义) OT(培训) Basic Process Management PAs Advanced Process Management PAs Organizational Process Focus (OPF) Purpose Plan, implement, and deploy organizational process improvements based on a thorough understanding of the current strengths and weaknesses of the organization’s processes and process assets. V1.3版的OPF与V1.2版的OPF不同之处 特定目标,特定实践以及术语没有实质性变更 简化SP3.4,将1.2版中的“将在计划和实施该过程中所产生的与该过程相关的工作产品,度量数据,改进建议汇总到组织过程资产库中”改为“将在计划实施该过程中所产生的与该过程相关的经验汇总到组织过程资产库中” 在信息化材料中增加一些额外的样例和指导说明 When Organizational Process Focus Is Not Done Well… There is high staff turnover in the engineering process group. There is little visible senior management support for process improvement. Improvement activities are not aligned with business priorities. Improvement efforts often result in false starts and difficult implementations. Organizational Process Focus Goals SG 1: Determine Process Improvement Opportunities Strengths, weaknesses, and improvement opportunities for the organizations processes are identified periodically and as needed. SG 2: Plan and Implement Process Improvements Process actions that address improvements to the organization’s processes and process assets are planned and implemented. SG 3: Deploy Organizational Process Assets and Incorporate Lessons Learned The organizational process assets are deployed across the organization and process-related experiences are incorporated into the organizational process assets. The process area also has generic goals to support institutionalization. Organizational Process Focus Context OPF(组织过程聚焦) OPF (组织过程聚焦) OPF (组织组织过程聚焦)的目的在于掌握并维护本组织的过程和过程财富,以及识别、策划和实施本组织的过程改进活动。 组织过程财富的改进起因有多种来源,例如过程的度量值、过程实施中的经验教训、过程评估的结果、过程和产品验证活动的结果、与其他组织的过程比较的结果以及本组织其他改进活动提出的建议等。 OPF (组织过程聚焦) 一个好的组织应该持续对过程进行改进,为此,需具备如下条件: 1. 组织的规范执行是有力的、有效的; 2. 规范执行中高层给予了关注,并与商业目标结合,因此,规范是有生命力的; 3. 组织中有一批人或专职或兼司QA、EPG责职,他们对CMMI有较深的理解,又了解具体执行情况,又善于分析; 4. 经常针对产品和过程中的问题提出改


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