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“信息技术支持的教学环节优化”课程作业模板 说明:信息技术支持导入、讲授、评价等环节优化的三项作业,可以是同一节课中不同环节的技术应用,也可以是不同课中相应环节的技术应用。 作者信息 姓 名 联系电话 所教学科 英语 所教学段 高中 电子邮件 单位名称 信息技术支持的导入环节优化(一) 第一步:设计前的分析 本课的名称:Unit 2 English around the world 本课的教学目标与教学内容: 1. Target language 目标语言 a. 重点词汇和短语 include, play a role, because of, international, native, come up, culture, actually, present, vocabulary, usage, identity, such as, rapidly b. 重点句子 World Englishes come from those countries... P9 Native English speakers can understand each other... P9 It became less like German, and more like French... P10 2. Ability goals 能力目标 Enable the Ss to describe the history of English and know of the differences between American English and Britain English. 3. Learning ability goals 学能目标 Help the students learn how to analyze the way the author describes the history of English. 请说明导入环节在这堂课中的意义,以及信息技术如何起到优化作用。(300字左右) 课堂上, 说明:在这一步里,请将你在导入环节上要说的话,预估的时间,所采用的信息技术支持(请具体说明如何利用信息技术来优化导入效果,并截取重要画面,链接相应的文档)呈现在下表中。 导入语 时间 信息技术支持 Can you name some countries in which English is a native language? This unit seeks to give us a better understanding of how English developed and how it is spoken in the world. 3分钟 PPT展示世界地图,引导学生尽可能多说英语。 PPT展示世界地图,展示世界上说英语的国家。 信息技术支持的讲授环节优化(二) 第一步:设计前的分析 本课的名称:Unit 2 English around the world 本课的教学目标和教学内容: 1. Target language 目标语言 a. 重点词汇和短语 include, play a role, because of, international, native, come up, culture, actually, present, vocabulary, usage, identity, such as, rapidly b. 重点句子 World Englishes come from those countries... P9 Native English speakers can understand each other... P9 It became less like German, and more like French... P10 2. Ability goals 能力目标 Enable the Ss to describe the history of English and know of the differences between American English and Britain English. 3. Learning ability goals 学能目标 Help the students learn how to analyze the way the author describes the history of English. 请简述讲授环节的目的和内容,并说明在讲授环节中,你是怎样应用信息技术的,以及信息技术是怎样起到优化作用的(300字左


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