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外贸英语函电的语言特点及其在国际贸易中的应用 Linguistic feature of correspondence for foreign trade and its application in international trade 摘要: 文章主要分为两个部分论述,第一部分主要解释外贸英语函电的意义并举例说明它的其语言特点,突出其是一种具有极强特殊性及实用性的行业英语的性质,接着阐述外贸英语函电的重要性,指出外贸英语函电已经成为在对外贸易中不可或缺的重要组成部分;第二部分阐述外贸英函电在国际贸易中的应用,指明它是成本最低、最常见、也最有效的通讯手段之一,主要从4个方面展开讨论,分别是可以搭建新的贸易关系、、可以快速高效传递信息和数据、可以作为责任划分的依据、可以维持贸易双方良好的合作关系。最后还提倡应选择性地使用外贸英语函电。 Abstract:This article is mainly divided into two part for discussion,the first part is talking about the meaning of foreign trade correspondence and its linguistic feature by examples in which a characteristic of professional English with its extremely strong specialty and practicality will be stood out.This will be followed by a description of importance of foreign trade correspondence and point out it has become a indispensable component in international trade; The second part only puts emphasis on the foreign trade correspondence’s application in international trade.it is one of the most common ,the most effect and the most shortest cost means of communication.There are 4 points supporting the second part :building new trade relationship;sending or receiving information and documents in the fast and efficient way;becoming an evidence to split responsibility;maintaining a better relationship between two parties.in the last ,the author suggests selectively using foreign trade correspondence . 关键词:外贸英语函电;国际贸易;电子邮件 Key words:foreign trade correspondence;international trade;E-mail 前言introduction 随着全球经济一体化和高新技术的迅猛发展,世界经济体系的日益完善,中国对外贸易的活动也越来越频繁这就要求掌握外贸英语函电的特点和写作技能,他们在国际商务活动中In the background of economic globalization ,the rapid development of high technology and increasingly improvement of world economic system,China’s foreign trade activities are more frequent than ever.Today, a trend of using correspondence is more popular in global importing or exporting enterprises other than meeting or calling.Therefore we are requested to grasp the characteristic and writing skill of foreign trade correspond


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