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数据准备 (1)启动ABAQUS COMMAND (2)在COMMAND中输入abaqus fetch job=viewer_tutorial (3)在COMMAND中输入abaqus viewer (4)根据提示打开数据库viewer_tutorial.odb D.10?Displaying and customizing an X–Y plot You can display X–Y plots of data written to the output database. For the tutorial you will display the vertical displacement of the rigid body reference node versus time. The Visualization module also allows you to display X–Y plots of the following: Data read from an ASCII file. Data entered at the keyboard. Existing data, either combined with other data or arithmetically manipulated. 以上内容讲的主要是根据数据库文件绘制所需变量与时间的曲线图 D.10.1?Displaying an X–Y plot You will now display an X–Y plot of displacement versus time. To display an X–Y plot: In the Results Tree, click mouse button 3 on History Output for the output database named viewer_tutorial.odb. From the menu that appears, select Filter. In the filter field, enter *U2* to restrict the history output to just the displacement components in the 2-direction. Double-click the data object containing the history of the vertical motion of the rigid body reference node: Spatial displacement: U2 at Node 1000 in NSET PUNCH. Abaqus displays an X–Y plot of displacement versus time, as shown in Figure D–11. Figure D–11 X–Y plot of displacement versus time. Default options selected by Abaqus include default ranges for the X- and Y-axes, axis titles, major and minor tick marks, the color of the line, and a legend. The legend labels the X–Y plot U2 N: 1000 NSET PUNCH. This is a default name provided by Abaqus. 以上操作如下图所示,如果输出变量列表中含有太多变量时,要找出我们想要的变量并不容易,这时就可以用输入”*U2*”表示2方向上的位移值,以去除列表中其余不必要的变量,便于选择,之后要把鼠标放在输出变量列表框里双击一下.接下来点击下面的”Plot”按钮就可以显示曲线了. 不过由以上操作过程可以看出,要显示这样的数据曲线,首先是需要我们在建模时就要要根据需要设置相应的节点集合和单元集合.比如这个数据库文件中就有下图所示的节点集和单元集.要不然就没法画这样的曲线图了. D.10.2?Customizing an X–Y plot By default, Abaqus computes the range of the X- and Y-axes from the minimum and maximum values found in the data read from the output database. Abaqus divides each axis into intervals an


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