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About the HSBC Group About the HSBC Group Headquartered in London, the HSBC Group is one of the largest banking and financial services organizations in the world. HSBCs international network comprises around 10,000 offices in 82 countries and territories in Europe, the Asia-Pacific region, the Americas, the Middle East and Africa. With listings on the London, Hong Kong, New York, Paris and Bermuda stock exchanges, shares in HSBC Holdings plc are held by around 200,000 shareholders in over 100 countries and territories. Through an international network linked by advanced technology, including a rapidly growing e-commerce capability, HSBC provides a comprehensive range of financial services: personal financial services; commercial banking; corporate, investment banking and markets; private banking; and other activities. To find out more information on the HSBC Group and how we can help you, please visit CSR at HSBC Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is critical to HSBC’s long-term success in China. CSR is not only about charitable donations, the environment or society, but also about making decisions that maintain the right balance between the environment, society and the Bank’s business. HSBC China is committed to the Group’s emphasis on education, the environmental protection and support of local communities. HSBC China’s CSR activities also focus on social development, staff volunteering, consumer education and ethical banking. 住房按揭贷款,房屋贷款 安享专业服务,置业轻松便捷! 凭借汇丰在全球的丰富经验和雄厚实力,我们致力为您提供方便快捷的住房按揭贷款服务,助您轻松完成整个置业过程! ? 我们的服务特色 专人全程无忧服务:住房按揭专员一对一全程服务 快速审核回复:在分行的帮助下准备齐全符合要求的申请资料,送达总行后贷款审批只需48小时(节假日除外) 贷款成数高:按揭贷款金额最高可达房价的70% 贷款期限长:一手房产之贷款期限最高可达30年;二手房产最高可达20年 多种还款方式:提供每月定额、双周定额、每月递减、延本还息,逐年递增5种还款方式 利率优惠和费用减免:提供优惠贷款利率。人民币贷款可享受律师费、公证费等多项第三方费用减免 安排全面的第三方服务:安排律师行、房产评估行、公证处、保险公司等为客户解除各项后顾之忧 香港帐户直接还款(仅适用非本地居民):利用开立于香港汇丰银行的账户直接偿还港币贷款,卓越理财客人还可尊享免费汇款还款服务。 * 中国本地居民仅适用人民币贷款 注:住房按揭贷款服务的提供将根据相关法律法规的要求(包括但不限于外汇管理法规)进行,这些法律法规可能不时变更。具体的贷款条件和条款将由银行和客户协商后以合同方式予以确定。请在


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