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A Captain At Fifteen Jules Verne Part 1 Chapter 1 - The Brig-Schooner Pilgrim Chapter 2 - Dick Sand Chapter 3 - The Wreck Chapter 4 - The Survivors Of The Waldeck Chapter 5 - S. V. Chapter 6 - A Whale In Sight Chapter 7 - Preparations Chapter 8 - The Jubarte Chapter 9 - Captain Sand Chapter 10 - The Four Days Which Follow Chapter 11 - Tempest Chapter 12 - On The Horizon Chapter 13 - Land! Land! Chapter 14 - The Best To Do Chapter 15 - Harris Chapter 16 - On The Way Chapter 17 - A Hundred Miles In Two Days Chapter 18 - The Terrible Word Part 2 Chapter 1 - The Slave Trade Chapter 2 - Harris And Negoro Chapter 3 - On The March Chapter 4 - The Bad Roads Of Angola Chapter 5 - Ants And Their Dwelling Chapter 6 - The Diving-Bell Chapter 7 - In Camp On The Banks Of The Coanza Chapter 8 - Some Of Dick Sands Notes Chapter 9 - Kazounde Chapter 10 - The Great Market Day Chapter 11 - The King Of Kazounde Is Offered A Punch Chapter 12 - A Royal Burial Chapter 13 - The Interior Of A Factory Chapter 14 - Some News Of Dr. Livingstone Chapter 15 - Where A Manticore May Lead Chapter 16 - A Magician Chapter 17 - Drifting Chapter 18 - Various Incidents Chapter 19 - S. V. Chapter 20 – Conclusion Part 1 Chapter 1 - The Brig-Schooner Pilgrim On February 2, 1876, the schooner Pilgrim was in latitude 43° 57 south, and in longitude 165° 19 west of the meridian of Greenwich. This vessel, of four hundred tons, fitted out at San Francisco for whale-fishing in the southern seas, belonged to James W. Weldon, a rich Californian ship-owner, who had for several years intrusted the command of it to Captain Hull. The Pilgrim was one of the smallest, but one of the best of that flotilla, which James W. Weldon sent each season, not only beyond Behring Strait, as far as the northern seas, but also in the quarters of Tasmania or of Cape Horn, as far as the Antarctic Ocean. She sailed in a superior manner. Her very easily managed rigging permitted her to ventu


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