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F1 03 The macro-economic environment 宏观经济环境 1 the structure and objectives of the economy 经济的目标和结构 circular flow of income 循环流动的收入 Closed economy 封闭的经济体 Factor incomes paid by firms 由公司支付的要素收入 Productive resources 生产资源 Expenditure 开支 total sales value 总销售价值 total income 总收入 withdrawals and injections into the circular flow of income 提款和注入所得循环流程 Consumption 消费 Financial sector 金融部门-----investment spending投资支出 Government sector 政府部门----government spending 政府支出 Foreign sector 外交部门---export demand出口需求 2. factors which affect the economy 经济的影因素 2.1 the multiplier in the national economy 在国民经济中的乘数 the multiplier involves the process of circulation of income in the national economy,whereby an injection of a certain size leads to a much larger in crease in national income. 乘数包括流通过程在国民经济收入中,使注射一定规模,导致更大的增加国民收入。 An initial in crease in expenditure will have a snowball effect 最初的增加支出将有滚雪球效应 2.2 aggregate supply and demand 总供给和需求 2.2.1 aggregate demand 总需求 2.2.2aggregate supply 总合供给 2.2.3a shift in aggregate demand 总需求的移动 3.the determination of national income 测定国名收入 Equilibrium national income is determined using aggregate supply and aggregate demand analysis. 均衡国民收入决定总供给和总需求分析 3.1 aggregate demand and supply equilibrium 总需求和总供给的平衡 3.2 full-employment national income 充分就业的国民收入 3.3 inflationary gaps 通货膨胀差距 3.4 example 例子 3.5 deflationary gap 通货 In a situation where there is unemployment of resources there is said to e a deflationary gap. 在的情况下,他们是失业的资源有说一个通货紧缩 3.6 stagflation 停滞 Price shock 价格冲击 3.7 summary 概括 A: one is at a level of demand which exceeds the productive capavilities of the economy at full employment,and there is insufficient output capacity in the economy to meet demand at current prices.there is then an inflationary gap. 一个是在一个水平的需求超过了生产能力的充分就业经济,并有足够的输出能力的经济满足需求,目前的价格。然后有一个通货膨胀缺口。 B :the other is at a level of employment which is below


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