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A crude vision 原油视觉系统 Vision-based Ethernet system gives real-time sight in oil, gas applications视觉系统以太网提供油气应用场合的实时图像 FAST FORWARD速览 Ethernet technology brings vision analysis in real time for users. 以太网技术可以让用户进行实时视觉分析 Vision system gives clearer turbidity reading for processing water. 视觉系统可让生产用水的浊度读数更清晰 Improved engineer sight means better decision-making skills. 改善工程师的视觉观察,提高决策能力 By Thomas M. Canty 作者:托马斯 M. 坎迪 Vision analysis can provide a dimension into process and product control that has not been previously available. The technology affords the process engineer a view into the live process and enables direct calibration of the control parameters based on what is actually occurring and not indirectly based on previous data. With current Ethernet technology, the information can be broadcast to key decision-makers as process events occur, enabling a concentration of expertise to more quickly realize new discoveries and resolve process aberrations as they occur. 视觉分析能为过程和产品控制提供一个维度,这在以前是不曾有过的。技术使得工艺工程师可以观察到现场工艺,可以按照当前的情况直接校准控制参数,不是根据先前的数据来间接校准。凭借当今的以太网技术,只要工艺事件一发生,信息就可以被广播到决策者那里,这样可以集中技术力量更快地发现问题所在,解决工艺偏差。 Vision systems are now developed to the point where they can provide analysis and control in the oil and gas industry where other instrument types cannot. 当今视觉系统已经发展到可为油气行业提供分析和控制的地步,这是其它仪器所不能及的。 Improvement in design of hardware and software, and advancements in Ethernet communication technology have allowed vision-based systems to see into process environments, such as crude oil, to detect and analyze particle constituents. Vision can also effectively handle applications involving the monitoring and control or produced water concentration, water-in-oil analysis, multi-cut sand, oil and water analysis, and even flame and tube analysis in the refining process with the benefit of the operator’s visual optimization. 软硬件设计的改进,以太网通信技术的进步使得基于视觉的系统可以观测工艺环境条件,例如原油,检测和分析组成颗粒。视觉系统可以有效应用于监控和控制或制水浓度,油中水量分析,多切面沙粒,油水分析,甚至是炼油工艺中的火焰和管道分析,改善了操作人员的视觉。 Vision analysis, as p


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