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AP1000系统三字经 首字母缩写和简写词 List of Acronyms and Abbreviations 简写 英文 中文 ac Alternating Current AC Acceptance Criteria ACC Accumulator ADS Automatic Depressurization System 自动降压系统 AHU Air Handling Units ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers BTU British Thermal Unit CAS Compressed Air System 压缩空气系统 CAV Cumulative Absolute Velocity CCS Component Cooling Water System 设备冷却水系统 CDM Certified Design Material CDS Condensate System 凝结水系统 CFR Code of Federal Regulations CIV Containment Isolation Valve CL Cold Leg CMT Core Makeup Tank CNS Containment System 安全壳系统 COL Combined Operating License CRDM Control Rod Drive Mechanism CST Condensate Storage Tank CVS Chemical and Volume Control System 化学与容积控制系统 DAC Design Acceptance Criteria DAS Diverse Actuation System 多样性触发系统 DBA Design Basis Accident dc Direct Current DC Design Commitment DDS Data Display and Processing System 数据显示与处理系统 DOS Standby Diesel and Auxiliary Boiler Fuel Oil System 备用柴油机和辅助锅炉燃料油系统 DPU Distributed Processing Unit D-RAP Design Reliability Assurance Program DTS Demineralized Water Treatment System 除盐水处理系统 DVI Direct Vessel Injection DWS Demineralized Water Transfer and Storage System 除盐水输送和储存系统 ECS Main ac Power System 主交电系统 EDS Non-Class 1E dc and Uninterruptible Power Supply System 非1E级直流和不间断电源系统 EFS Communication System 通讯系统 EGS Grounding and Lightening Protection System 接地和防雷电系统 ELS Plant Lighting System 电厂照明系统 EMI Electromagnetic Interference ERF Emergency Response Facility ESD Electrostatic Discharge ESF Emergency Safety Features ESFAS Engineering Safety Feature Actuation System 专设安全设施触发系统 F Fahrenheit FHM Fuel Handling Machine FHS Fuel Handling and Refueling System 燃料处理和换料系统 FID Fixed Incore Detector FPS Fire Protection System 防火系统 ft Feet FTS Fuel Transfer System 燃料传输系统 FWS Main and Startup Feedwater System 主给水和起动给水系统


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