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AS/400 操作系统要求 邯郸钢铁集团采用AS/400机器作为SAP服务器,SAP安装时对操作系统有以下需求,请IBM工程师协助完成。 操作系统支持 SAP软件 My SAP ERP2004 SR1 支持AS/400上的操作系统 V5R2M0,V5R3M0 。 硬件需求 DVD 光驱,用于读取SAP安装光盘 软件需求 需要安装TMKSVR ,一个安装SAP必须使用的软件,需要从远程windows机器上进行安装 。 OS需求 all the latest PTFs have been installed APAR II3337 (V5R2M0), APAR II3868 (V5R3M0) ■ 5722SS1 option *BASE Operating System/400 ■ 5722SS1 option 1 OS/400 ? Extended Base Support ■ 5722SS1 option 2 OS/400 ? Online Information ■ 5722SS1 option 3 OS/400 ? Extended Base Directory Support ■ 5722SS1 option 12 OS/400 ? Host Servers ■ 5722SS1 option 13 OS/400 ? System Openness Includes (Unicode only) ■ 5722SS1 option 21 ? Extended NLS Support ■ 5722SS1 option 30 OS/400 ? Qshell Interpreter ■ 5722SS1 option 33 OS/400 ? Portable Application Solutions Environment ■ 5722SS1 option 39 OS/400 ? International Components for Unicode ■ 5722AC3 option *BASE Crypto Access Provider 128-bit for AS/400 (mandatory for JDK 1.4) ■ 5722JC1 option *BASE IBM Toolbox for Java ■ 5722JV1 option *BASE IBM Developer Kit for Java ■ 5722JV1 option 5 Java Developer Kit 1.3 ■ 5722JV1 option 6 Java Developer Kit 1.4 其他需求 安装Qp2Term ,Qp2Shell ,CHKXDA,OS/400 PASE。以方便使用 。(PASE (product 5722SS1, option 33) must be installed and current.Locales are not created without PASE.) 系统参数设置 系统参数 建议值 描述 QACTJOB 1000 Set system value QACTJOB to a value close to the number of jobs usually on your system. (To ?find out the number of jobs, use the command WRKACTJOB. For a 2-tier system, this is normally about 1000). QTOTJOB 2000 To begin with set system value QTOTJOB to 2000. When you have worked with the SAP system for a while, adjust this value to the value you usually see in the ?eld Jobs in system on the WRKSYSSTS command. QADLACTJ and QADLTOTJ 500 1000 Set system value QADLACTJ to 500 and system value QADLTOTJ to 1000. QSECURITY 30 or 40 System value QSECURITY controls the level of security enforced on your system. Set QSECURITY to at least 30 to ensure object security for


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